From my previous thread on the new Hammer equipment..here are my thoughts on the Jigsaw...
I drilled the JIGSAW with a 60 degree MB and a 5" pin placement, with my axis being 4 1/2" over by 1/2" up that put the Pin at 12 o'clock with the MB just a few inches away from the thumb.
What I expected: Very continuous with strong roll yet still enough energy left to make the corner back into the pocket.
What I observed: Playing direct with the track line having oil to spare, I got great hold with a continuous backend motion. It was not very flippy but I did have decent angle to the pocket. As I played deeper and slowed my speed down I noticed the Jigsaw start to run out of energy and not even turn the corner which was kind of disappointing to me however, when I moved over to the left gutter cap and played 4th (middle) and 5th arrow sending the ball out to around 2nd arrow (10), it made a comeback which was very surprising to me despite the lack thereof playing in the middle and inside the track area.
Conclusion: To me, throwing the Jigsaw with some oil on the lanes, is when you will see the benefits of having the ball in your arsenal. The ball to me was very iffy when the carry down became imminent. When playing the inside part of the lane, I left a lot of 2-8-10s, 2-4-8-10s and there such.
--Michael Price--
-McCorvey's Pro Shop Staff-
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