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Author Topic: JIGSAW in League Last Night...  (Read 3026 times)


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JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« on: July 17, 2009, 02:43:47 AM »
I bowl in a ONE on ONE League.
I bowled my ball driller Ed Moores, who drilled up a JIGSAW
on Wednesday.
He's thrown 9 games with the ball threw the front 9 6 games...going into last night.

Wednesday night in league he shot 300 first game with it.

On Thursday, he opened against me with front 9, rail for 265.

Next game front 11, leaked the ball right a bit and left a 10 pin. (Messenger went in front of it.)

Ball really gets down the lane well, and, well hits like a "truck".

We moved lanes, and he had trouble, shot 230, 240...

He is rolling the ball extremely well, and has a lot of talent, which helps.
Duke Harding

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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 10:53:46 AM »
I'm a hammer guy, i'd love to throw this if i hadn't completed my arsenal already....and saving for a wedding (honest answer)

Starting 5:
1. Ebonite NVD
2. Raw Hammer Burn
3. Raw Hammer Psycho
4. Hammer Cherry Vibe
5. Target Zone

1. Columbia 300 Rival
2. Ebonite Complete NV

You are going to see a lot of these balls on the racks.

Ed drilled 6 of them yesterday.

I'm really trying to resist drilling one up...
Since I let him beat me in league, he should give me a great price.
Duke Harding

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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2009, 02:48:09 PM »
Since I let him beat me in league, he should give me a great price

Ya think ? He'll probably drill it backwards ! lol That'll teach ya to beat your driller !
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2009, 10:20:20 PM »
Do they roll better than they look ?
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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 10:02:37 AM »

Drilled mine up yesterday and it really is a special ball.  It is what I thought the Sauce would be but more....

BTW - How dod you do at nationals last week ?


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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2009, 11:14:49 AM »

Drilled mine up yesterday and it really is a special ball.  It is what I thought the Sauce would be but more....

BTW - How dod you do at nationals last week ?

Jim Scott is raving about it also.
Looks like a great ball.

I shot 1778. Team 552, Dbles 667, Sngls 559.
I used your Sauce.
Duke Harding

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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2009, 01:41:07 AM »
The jigsaw is on the top of my list. I am still researching the different balls I am considering and would like to know what you mean by gets down the lane well. Are you saying it ball that has allot of length to it or that it would be a good ball to have drilled to go long and arc or snap at its break point?? I have a roguecell that I mainly use but need a ball that goes longer then my rogue. Is the jigsaw IYO a good choice for what I am looking for????

What I've seen, the ball gets through the heads really well.
Reads the mid-lane well, and does not over react.
The bowlers I've seen roll it average between 215-238...except one righty who throws a backup ball (reverse hook) he averages 195 ... Jigsaw has great continuation through the pocket....good recovery if you miss to the outside.

Not knowing the specifics of your game, I'd talk to your ball driller/pro shop professional, as far as layout goes.

Duke Harding

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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 05:01:53 PM »
The jigsaw is on the top of my list. I am still researching the different balls I am considering and would like to know what you mean by gets down the lane well. Are you saying it ball that has allot of length to it or that it would be a good ball to have drilled to go long and arc or snap at its break point?? I have a roguecell that I mainly use but need a ball that goes longer then my rogue. Is the jigsaw IYO a good choice for what I am looking for????

What I've seen, the ball gets through the heads really well.
Reads the mid-lane well, and does not over react.
The bowlers I've seen roll it average between 215-238...except one righty who throws a backup ball (reverse hook) he averages 195 ... Jigsaw has great continuation through the pocket....good recovery if you miss to the outside.

Not knowing the specifics of your game, I'd talk to your ball driller/pro shop professional, as far as layout goes.

I am Right handed with around 375-400 revrate, 18+mph ball speed have a high track and am a natural cranker  but also throw down and in with low revs and high speed when the lanes call for that shot I have early and mid lane rolling balls. What I am hopeong to get out of the jigsaw is a long and strong hooking reaction not an arcing ball.

The JSaws I've seen thrown are not angular on the backend.
Don't know if it's the drilling layout, or the ball's nature.
Ball has a strong arcing backend...from what I've seen.
Duke Harding

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Re: JIGSAW in League Last Night...
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2009, 05:59:12 PM »
Hey Duke, Ed Moores is my ball driller also, I wonder if I ever met you? Small world. But I know when Ed gets rolling he is hard to beet.

Edited on 7/19/2009 6:00 PM