My No Mercy is #7,it's just right for me. My Toxic is getting more use as they don't seem to be putting as much oil down and it dries up faster than a few weeks ago, so it's a bit strong. The toxic is a great second ball the way I have mine drilled so it's the best of both worlds for me.
My wife's No Mercy is #2, that's closer to her needs than anything else. She uses her all 3 games and if the oil dries on her, she pulls out her V2 Sanded and away she goes. To be honest, I never thought I'd see anything in her hands but her V2, so it's a "keeper" in her mind. You'd have to know her and how much she loves her V2 Sanded to understand, shoot, she'd get rid of me before her V2 Sanded ! I have a NIB V2 Sanded setting on the shelf just in case her's ever needs replacing, that's how much she loves that ball.
Hope this helped and Good Luck !
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
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