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Author Topic: Just picked up my BWP tonight and used for league (pix including drill pattern)  (Read 3693 times)


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Paid a premium at the pro shop, but the guys were friendly and pretty knowledgeable.  I originally intended to get the regular black widow in a 16#, but they would've had to order it and I've been suffering from Ball Acquisition Disorder (B.A.D.)

Since it's my birthday I decided to go ahead and pickup the BWP in a 15# and have it drilled for the league games I bowled tonight.  I got 15# because the guy was telling me that 16# might actually be too much for that ball and I'd likely get a little more pin action off the 15# since it would deflect a little better than a 16#.  I really wasn't sure, but it sounded good and again... I was suffering from B.A.D.  They got done drilling it just as my first game with my old Ebonite Matrix TPS III was coming to a close.  I also had them scuff it up a little bit because I wanted slight more hook.  We have light - med. oily lanes and they thought that would be good.  Turns out I'd like just a little more hook, so I'll probably have them scuff it some more.

Got to use it in 2nd and 3rd games and it's quite a little bit of a change.  I don't have a lot of revs on the ball, so it doesn't hook in like the video I saw someone else here just recently post, but it does turn left nicely and I really did get some good pin action.  During one frame my whole team thought I was going to leave a 6-7-10 split, but the 7 somehow managed to fall giving everyone the impression of just an easy spare pickup, but when the 7 fell it hit another pin which swung into the 6, knocked it back and killed the 10 with it.  Strike, yay!    I do get to throw it a little bit more outside and watch it come back in versus the Ebonite which was straight down about the 33 board or so and watch it hook into the pocket [hopefully].  

Anyways, feel free to ask questions and here are the links to the pix below.  Warning to 56k'ers they are full sized 6MP pictures.



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Oh!  Thanks so much.  I had just always assumed it was count from left to right like they showed me in elementary.    Haha, silly me.  Ok, so 2nd arrow then.  

iron chariots 02

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a bowling lane is 60 feet long from the foul line to the pins.

first 20 feet= the heads

next 20 feet= midlane

last 20 feet= backend

this will help give you an idea where a ball begins to hook when someone
tells you that a ball is stronger in the midlane or backend.