2 full time leagues this year and probably subbing in another....
League 1.....5 man on synthetics
League 2.....mixed doubles on freshly redone wood
Subbing league........5 man league on freshly redone wood
Lots of options in the bag right now but most likely my 3 ball roller + 2 ball tote will have the following......
Black Widow Sting ...40x4-1/4x45 with P2 hole at 1000 grit
Infection.....60x5-1/2x75 with P3 hole at 3000 grit
Grape Vibe.....55x2-3/4x25 with P1 hole at 3000 grit
Blue/Silver Backlash.....60x4x60 with P2 hole at 4000 grit
Black Hammer......PBA Plastic Ball Layout at 1000 grit
Also drilled and available to swap in/out.....
Swagga, Nasty, Jacked, Plague, Jigsaw Trap, Black Widow Venom, Midnight Vibe, Red/Purple Backlash
Used and sitting on the shelf waiting to be drilled......
Midnight Vibe, Onyx Vibe, The Chalk, Black Widow Venom, Jigsaw Corner, Grind, orig Blue Hammer, Blue Pearl Nail, Sling Blade, Swagga, 3-D Offset Pearl, Pink Hammer, Toxic
I plan on drilling up an Epidemic and a Brawl as well. Once I see what the lanes are going to give us this year I'll choose layouts and surfaces.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
RotoGrip Star Pro ShopTurbo XTreme Dealer