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Author Topic: Leverage vs. High Rg -Length layout ??  (Read 1359 times)


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Leverage vs. High Rg -Length layout ??
« on: March 01, 2006, 06:41:53 PM »
looking at the drilling instructions on the Road much differance are these 2 types of drillings?....and which would u perfer for someone with not alot of revs, but plenty of power??




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Re: Leverage vs. High Rg -Length layout ??
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 06:14:50 AM »
By "power", I assume you mean ball speed. That is not usually referred to as "power", in bowling terms, but it can often result in added pin fall, when compared to slower ball speeds.

If you have more ball speed than revs, then lower pin positions are usually recommended.

If you're using the right ball on an oil pattern for your ballspeed/revrate ratio, the high pin will go longer and possibly not hook enough on the backend to hit the pocket flush. The lower pin COULD get into the proper roll early enough to hit the pocket flush. On house shots (which are usually considered easy walls, you could make minor adjustments with your feet and target and hit the pocket well. On harder oil patterns, like sport shots or PBA shots, having the right drill on the right ball COULD be essential.

If the above is not what you meant by "power", plesae explain further.
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Re: Leverage vs. High Rg -Length layout ??
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 09:08:34 PM »
Yes i do mean ball speed......i just purchased a Road Hawg, the ball is drilled with the pin about was my 1st time at this pro shop, and he only had my old Timberwolve trilling Timberwolve was drilled leverage....(as soon as my daughter brings back my camera, i'll post up pics)......i am just curious how this ball would react drilled leverage as well.



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Re: Leverage vs. High Rg -Length layout ??
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 10:53:08 PM »
A leverage layout will allow the ball to flare the most.  This usually will give your ball the most hook on the correct lane condition.  However this does not mean it will hook more on the back end of the lane.  There are so many factors involved it's hard to say what it will do for you reaction wise.

The only thing for sure is that pin position will cause the ball to flare the most.