I have both drilled 5.5 pin to pap. The toxic has a pin over bridge, strong x-hole, while the bwp has the pin high over the ring (tj type of layout) with the mb in the strong position, x-hole 3 over and 2 up from the cog.
In terms of overall hook they are pretty much the same. the bwp has a little more pop on the backend but I can pretty much stand in the same area and throw either. The toxic allows me to stay in that area longer...whereas the bwp reaction becomes uncontrollable as the lanes breakdown.
as of right now, the bwp is pretty much dead, after a resurfacing it just doesn't have the pop it once had, whereas the toxic continues to roll strong. not saying the bwp isn't a great ball...its just that between the two..i'd take a toxic.