I've got two Widows, one with pin under ring, MB next to thumb, weight hole in thumb quadrant about 4" from pin (about a 4.5 x 4 for me) which I keep exclusively at 1000 grit, and a second one with the pin above and right of ring, MB next to thumb, weighthole on center line about 4" from grip center (about 4 x 4) which I had originally at 2000 grit, tried it this week on an extreme wet-dry shot where an RXS300 drilled the same as Widow #1 but at 1500+polish wasn't quite enough ball, but took it to 4000+polish first...it definitely rolled VERY well for me, no HUGE snap, just a VERY controllable hard arc off the spot. Granted i've only used it for just those 3 games, but the reaction I saw out of it was nothing like the squirty/too flippy reaction that most have reported out of polishing their Widows.
Personally I think that my axis tilt/speed/revs match up VERY well with this condition, but the Black Widow pin up 4000+polish was DEFINITELY a good choice for this wet/dry pattern
Andrew Loose
1/2 of ABT's Finest
"Strike for show, spare for dough, split for D'OH!"