The house I've been bowling at has been putting out a good medium oil pattern, but for whatever reason it's been drying up QUICK. As in, one shot to the next may be 2 boards different.
So, I got tired of watching my equipment shooting off at the 30 feet mark, and bought some factory finish polish. Sat down for a hour working on my Ratchet and B/S Taboo, making them shine.
League night came around and I tossed them, and I got a MUCH better reaction out of the both of them. The Taboo actually read and shot off the spot like it was supposed to, something I hadn't watched it do even on heavier patterns. Got my high performance ball to finally work!
Now the monster is the Ratchet. I know it sounds nuts, but the polish made it even stronger through the whole lane. This isn't just on medium shots, I tried it out on a heavy THS, and it's stronger than anything in my bag, except for my Delta 1. I've fallen in love with this ball!
For reference, my JB Taboo gets down the lane, but I've watched it hook PAST the headpin from the 5 board, when the laydown was 30. Literally flipped SIDEWAYS. I stared, and wasn't even mad. I actually got kind of giddy o.o
It feels nice not starting out at 30+, and ending up bumping the ball return during approach. Just thought I'd share my experience.