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Author Topic: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite  (Read 2095 times)


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lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« on: August 17, 2008, 04:25:07 AM »
I know this may sound stupid but I am looking to see if this has happened to anyone else or if anyone has any advice. I bought a BWB about 4 weeks before the end of the fall season last year. Since then the ball has sat in my garage but during this time it seems as if the ball has lost some of its backend reaction. Is this even possible?? Any suggestions how to get it back?? I just cant imagine that it would lose some ball reaction while it wasn't being used.



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Re: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 12:29:05 PM »
I don't know if this is right or not, but the wrong mix of heat/coolness could have something to do with losing the reaction. I also don't know if this is right, I will let the smarter people tell you, but I would say take the ball to say 2000, then hit it with some polish. Or it's the other way around, hit it with polish and then 2000. I don't know, lol. My friend's Bite is sill going strong. And once again, I do not know if this is fully right. Hope this helps.
Ricky Michaels

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Re: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2008, 12:36:41 PM »
go to your proshop, have them sand it way down, then extract oil from it and resurface it back to OOB or whatever you had it at.
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Re: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2008, 12:37:49 PM »
go to your proshop, have them sand it way down, then extract oil from it and resurface it back to OOB or whatever you had it at.
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking, lol
Ricky Michaels

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Re: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2008, 01:41:42 PM »
How many games are on this ball, before it was put away for the summer? If it's alot, then I'd agree with taking the surface down, then extracting oil. If it's not alot of games, I don't know why it'd lose reaction, just sitting around.
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Re: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2008, 01:55:22 PM »
   just so you know the 2 worst places for a balling ball are the garage and your car(trunk).. with the way the temps change from hot to cold(depending on were you live)it is a no no.. the balls tend to expand and contract which is really bad for your equipment.. the best places for your balls when your not using them is to put them in the cellar if you have one or in a closet.. try not to put them on the concrete floors or up against a wall that is subject to changing temps(like a outside wall).. I agree with SV on this one, take it to the pro shop and "TELL" them to take it "RIGHT DOWN" to 500, then put it in the  box to draw out any moisture(oil,etcc) that is in the ball.. have the shop guy/gal then gradually bring it "BACK UP in steps to the OOB stage".. then have them hit it with just a "LITTLE" polish(just to shine).. throw the ball and if it needs more polish put it on then.. you can always apply more polish.. hope this helps..  slashrr69

Edited on 8/17/2008 1:56 PM

Edited on 8/17/2008 1:58 PM


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Re: lost ball reaction for my Black Widow Bite
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2008, 06:38:48 PM »
I know this may sound stupid but I am looking to see if this has happened to anyone else or if anyone has any advice. I bought a BWB about 4 weeks before the end of the fall season last year. Since then the ball has sat in my garage but during this time it seems as if the ball has lost some of its backend reaction. Is this even possible??

I have a more basic question than the others.
If the ball has sat there, since last August, roughly, until now, one full year, how can you tell that it has less reaction now, than it did then?

For most of us, lane oil and amounts not only change with the seasonsand the temperatures and the humidities, but also with the change in the manangers and with the change in the maintenance personnel, and with the change in the oil suppliers.

I suspect the lane surface on which you bowl, if it is even in the same house, has changed drastically with a year's use.

In addition, our memories are just not that good.

So, by what measure do you see a difference in ball reaction, seeing that you have not even looked at this ball for a whole year? I remain confused. Please clarify.

Any suggestions how to get it back?? I just cant imagine that it would lose some ball reaction while it wasn't being used.

As others have indicated, the garage is possibly one of the worst  places you could have put this ball. You're lucky it hasn't cracked, under the best of circumstances.
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Edited on 8/17/2008 6:39 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."