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Author Topic: Made my decision: results inside  (Read 1032 times)


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Made my decision: results inside
« on: June 26, 2007, 04:04:27 PM »
Went down to the proshop to get my BWP.  We both agreed on the Toxic as a good "step down" from the BWP.

So here's the result

15lbs 3Oz topweight
3 inch pin
Layout:  Modified TJ layout
Pin 5 1/2 in from PAP, 75degree MB layout.  
X-hole 3 over and 2 up to reduce finger weight.

Shot:  Crap.  Late shift, after open house.  

Threw the ball.  I never got lined up.  I had to keep chasing whatever oil there was in.  The ball was very forgiving.  Tug it inside, it comes in light and leaves a corner pin.  Tug it hard, goes brooklyn for a strike.  

For the good shots.  Down and in along the track area up around the 10 board, ball gets cleanly through the heads, and makes a strong continuous move to the pocket.  Ball hits hard and loud.  Now I see what they mean when they say "nothing hits like a hammer."  

Moved 4 boards left and played a swing from 14-6.  Ball was again, clean through the chopped up heads, read the midlane cleanly, and then made a strong move into pocket.  For a benchmark ball, this will work great for me in terms of reading whats going on with the lane.  

Very pleased with the reaction, just upset I couldn't see it on a true league shot.

Weight 15lbs (unknown topweight-got it off the shelf)
Pin 3ins
Layout.  Pin over bridge 5 1/2 pin to pap.  CG kicked out slightly
X-hole in the strong position where the MB would be.  Drilled back to 3/4oz pos.

This ball does a couple things for me.  As a 2nd shift ball, I can't tell.  By the time I was done with BWP, there wasn't much left.  If anything, this ball is stronger than the BWP.

I was standing on the same spot throwing about 14-4.  The ball came off strong off the dry.  It definitely did open the lanes for me.  It still cleared the heads cleanly, got about the same distance down the lane, maybe a couple feet longer than the BWP.  This ball was a little less predictable.  Cleared the lanes, then just shot off the dry.  Playing down and in, it was unpredictable and came in high.

Moving in and swinging it seems to be the best way to utilize this.  What I do like about it, is that I am sometimes "slow" to move to this line when the shot breaks down, this ball is very reassuring to me to know I have a such a strong backend on such a crappy shot.

Overall impressions from a first time Hammer user:

I have never thrown anything with this kind of hitting power.  The first shot I let off with the BWP and Toxic, felt great and I rewarded with a strike.  The pin carry, action, and sound made were unlike I've ever seen before.  I either pushed pins flat into the back, thrown pins around, shredded the rack, and with a loud convincing "boom" that I have never experienced.  

With the balls, I am still learning to utilize them, but I think I have found a new home here in "Hammer-town".



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Re: Made my decision: results inside
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 12:43:20 AM »
I really don't know if that was a good two ball combo, there.  If the Toxic is a step down from the BWP, it's not a whole hell of a lot.  I think the Doom or a Vibe would have been a far better choice and more of a step down from the BWP. Still, nice to hear you like the new Hammers!
Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Salnicker with the Southern Cal Bowling League, and I just got a, an informal report, that a member of your team, uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws, and article 27 of the league...


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Re: Made my decision: results inside
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 01:05:48 AM »
Yah, you are right in terms of overall hook.

But...the more and more I think about it, it will work for league.

Here's my logic...

Everyone in the league plays the track area.  Which moves the oil in.  No one moves in beyond the 10-12 board.  When it gets that dry they take the hand out of the ball, or add more speed.

For me, when I make this move, it normally comes in light and I have trouble carrying the corners.  I tried that concept and the ball still carried strongly.  So thats option 1.

Option 2, was one that I mentioned I was slow to make.  Which is move in beyond where everyone else is playing swing the ball.  I had several problems with doing this.  The main factor being carrydown.  The ball just died in the backend.  I would have trouble carrying anything.  The Toxic came off the dry hard and didn't stop.  Even with all the carrydown, the ball didn't seem to care.  

The BWP read the friction too strongly and overhooked.  

So...that all being said.  With both balls, I need to practice on a fresh THS.  But the Toxic will do what I need it to do.  Which is either carry when I play straight, or MAKE me move when I am hesitant to do so.  Adjusting to shots better is something I've been wanting to do, I just haven't a ball that is this confidence-inspiring.

So for my has the potential to work.  On paper as a two ball are right, its probably not the best thing.