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Author Topic: My Black Widow Review  (Read 1212 times)

Poxy Boggard

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My Black Widow Review
« on: April 20, 2007, 05:43:01 AM »
Hammer Black Widow - 16#
Label Drill
Pin next to ring finger
Pin to PAP 4"
Medium Revs Stroker

Bought my Black Widow a couple of months ago. So far I have put roughly 40 games on the ball with no loss of reaction.

Lane Conditions:
THS: Medium oil to 42' with sloppy backends
Gold Coast: Nice medium to Heavy THS: Crisp backends

Expected Reaction: I was looking for a ball to replace my very old El Nino Gold. The Black Widow matched up the specs for RG and RG diff almost exactley. I expected to get a similar ball motion on the lanes with this ball. I got exactley what I was looking for only a bit more angular off the break point.

Delivered Reaction: The Black Widow picks right up where my El Nino Gold left off, the only difference is that the Black Widow is a little bit stronger on the back end, and handles the sloppy backends even better than the Gold.

Hook: The ball clears the heads nicely, picks up a little bit of roll in the mids then hooks very hard on the back end. Exactley what I was looking for.

Versatility: I have not found a shot where I have not been able to use the Widow. IT is by far the most versitile ball I have ever owned.

Control: Easliy the most controlable ball I have ever rolled. It's easy to make adjustments as the lanes dry out when you know you can trust the ball reaction.

Overall Score on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 Being the Best)
Hook: 9
Carry: 10
Control: 9
Overall: 9.5

I bought this ball after alot of research, and I am very glad I did. The last ball that I purchased new was a scorchin Inferno, and I was not at all happy with that ball. This ball however has suprised me each week with it's versatility and controled hook.  The only down side to the ball is that is has a very high maintenance coverstock which is also quite soft.  Picks up gunk from the lanes and can scratch pretty easliy.

I would recomend this ball to just about anyone.



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Re: My Black Widow Review
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2007, 10:07:24 PM »
Thanks for the review, but I'm wondering how it'll respond to 2nd shift and broken down conditions.  I'm thinking of trying one over the summer, but I'm debating between this one and the Roto Grip Mystic.


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Re: My Black Widow Review
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2007, 12:08:31 PM »
I use this ball on a 2nd shift league and find it works well through the 2nd game into the 3rd game....Since I am in a 4 game league, the 4th game gets a little fun....luckily, I play a relatively tight shot, from 18 over 2nd arrow out to 7 or 8 and in....most of the people in both of the leagues are wannabe crankers..

my average has gone up from a paltry 139 over 90 games to a 150+ after 112 games

my last 4 weeks have been averaging around 178 including 2 games over 200 and 1 3 game series just shy of 600....

I hope to have my first 600 series (3 games) next Saturday....