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Author Topic: What Hammer are you going to buy next?  (Read 2221 times)


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What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« on: October 24, 2006, 03:35:22 PM »
I have a small Hammer arsenal right now.  The Pain and 2 Dooms.  I recently traded in my stacked leverage Pain because it was just way too strong and wasn't much use.  The Pain I do have is awesome to say the least.

Well I plan on adding 1 more Hammer ball to my arsenal.  I'm not sure which one to get.  I had a Black Widow which worked very good on house patterns.  It didn't fair so well on my league patterns.  My league uses 4 patterns this season and all are tough.  No blocked lanes on this league.  

Well I may give the Black Widow another try but with a different layout than before.  I may wait for the NO MERCY and go that route.  I'm not sure yet.

What Hammer ball are you guys going to buy next?  How do you plan on drilling it?  Any idea's on what Hammer is going to bring out next aside from the NO MERCY!
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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2006, 11:57:17 PM »
What's up Sixcranker?  How has your new game been doing?  You know after thinking about this and watching the vid of the NO MERCY and Black Widow, I have decided to buy the NO MERCY.  I'm making the call tomorrow!

How can one not want this ball?  In fact, I have also thought about giving the Black Widow another try with a diferent layout.  The one I had worked great on house patterns but not that good on the 2 tough lane conditions I bowled on during league this season.  I think the layout and or cover prep was part of the cause.

Now I need to figure out which way to drill up the NO MERCY.  I'm going to check out the drill sheets and see what I would like to try.  I may just drill it pin above the bridge and HART on my ball track.  Or I could just drill it 4.5" above the my ring and Hart in the Track.  I can't wait to try this ball out.
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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 12:04:26 AM »
chitown..just try the reccomended drill.  May I ask why you wouldn't?
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2006, 12:13:17 AM »
chitown..just try the reccomended drill.  May I ask why you wouldn't?
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

Track Mean Machine
Hammer Black Widow
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Track Heat Blast
Storm Spare Ball

Well I was looking at the drill sheets and when I get this ball drilled I will use one of there recomended layouts.  I will not go against any of the layouts they suggest.  I will probably use the strong layout where the pin is above the ring and HART is on the ball track.  Even if I choose to put the pin above the bridge(5.5" from my pap) and the HART in the ball track it's only going to be a difference of 1".

What ever I choose i'm going to follow there drill sheet exactly.  I can't wait for this ball to come out.  I heard that it will be ready for the public on 10/30?  Is this true or can I get it NOW!
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2006, 12:15:25 AM »
If you're good with your proshop, you can probably get it now.  My proshop got one in and its already up for purchase.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

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Hammer Black Widow
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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2006, 12:27:01 AM »
If you're good with your proshop, you can probably get it now.  My proshop got one in and its already up for purchase.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

Track Mean Machine
Hammer Black Widow
Track Equation
Track Heat Blast
Storm Spare Ball

I'm going to call my pro shop guy tomorrow.  I will see if he can get one of these in early.  I can't wait to get this ball.  Is Hammer going to just run the table on making the best balls or what?  The hype with the Black Widow and NO MERCY is nut's.  I know my pro shop guy usually doesn't carry Hammer balls at all.  I have always had him order me the Dooms and Pains.  Now he has Dooms and Black Widows on his shelf.  I wouldn't be surprised if he has a lot of NO MERCY'S on the way.

I was at his shop last night and we were talking about the Doom.  He told me that he has been selling a lot of them and has got a lot of great feed back.  He told me a guy on his league bought one from him and is as happy as a pig in sht.  He say's that he can't keep BW on his shelf because there being bought daily.

You know the other ball makers have to be worried about the direction Hammer is headed.  In fact, it seems like Hammer is overtaking Ebonite!  This is awesome!
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2006, 12:34:21 AM »
Haha, everytime someone orders a Widow around here, its at least a week wait because the distributors around here sell out once they get them in.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

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Hammer Black Widow
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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2006, 06:38:57 AM »
I'm thinking about a doom drilled 3-3/8x3-3/8 as I currently don't have a full leveraged pearl right now and found myself last night wishing I did.
B-dub in the house YE'all..
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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2006, 07:08:59 AM »
Thinking of going with a No Mercy drilled with the reccomended layout and dulled down to 1000 abralon.  That would then be the step up from my Widow.  My other choice is a Pain drilled strong for that spot.  Any suggestions?

"It's gonna be a good day Tater!"


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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2006, 11:40:31 AM »
Wow are you serious?  a week wait in your local shop to get one??? We have only had about 2 days that we did not have them to ship.

Where are you located?

Sacramento, CA.  There's about 5-10 other pro shops around that use the same distributor, all of which have people wanting the buy the widow as well.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

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Hammer Black Widow
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Track Heat Blast
Storm Spare Ball


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Re: What Hammer are you going to buy next?
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2006, 01:37:26 PM »
Is the skull ball on the web site USBC approved?