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Author Topic: Need drilling sheet for Purple reactive hammer  (Read 1434 times)


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Need drilling sheet for Purple reactive hammer
« on: April 14, 2004, 05:16:52 AM »
I just bought a NIB old Purple Reactive Hammer from Ebay and it doesn't have any driling instructions with it and its also a 0-1 pin. Oh well, what do you expect for $23 plus shipping? LOL!!

If anyone has a copy of drilling instructions for any of the old reactive Hammers or any ideas how to drill this ball up, I would appreciate it. I am wanting a dryer lane ball, so probably don't want a really strong drill.

thanks in advance..
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..

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Re: Need drilling sheet for Purple reactive hammer
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2004, 08:28:23 PM »
It's a two piece can use any drill sheet from any manufacturer that you want.  I perfer the drillsheet from Ebonite but I rarely use them.  They're unecessary unless there's a marked mass bias.
-DJ Marshall
"Repetition beats luck everytime"


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Re: Need drilling sheet for Purple reactive hammer
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2004, 08:33:44 PM »
thanks DP3..

If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..

Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!