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Author Topic: WooHoo  (Read 863 times)

MX 267

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« on: December 22, 2008, 03:17:50 AM »
Yep...Just got a free BWS.  My buddy is a Lefty and he has thrown it about 10-15 times.  This thing is like brand new.  I have a bite and a toxic.  Any suggestions on how I should drill it?  my toxic is just just right and above my ring finger. the cg is stacked.  My bite is same but cg is kicked out to the right.  I'm a high roller and a down/in player.
Hammer Bite 15#
Hammer Toxic 15#
Hammer Sharp Blade 15#--selling
Hammer Faball Pink 16#- Selling

I''m thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I''m talkin'' about. "Oh!"