Here it is..almost sold out.. its been available only for 1 hour and 29 mins so far Vibe XR
The new Hammer Vibe XR features the proven First Blood cover. We then removed the pearl additive to make it a solid version of the NBT cover for even more overall hook. We call it NBT XR. We put the surface at 500, 500, 1000, 2000 and polished it for more down lane reaction, the most EVER provided in a a Vibe release.
We used the Vibe core shape but increased the density to lower the diffirential and raise the rg. These numbers allow the ball to store energy and work well with the NBT XR cover.
Finally, we chose a vibrant blue as our color. A vibrant, bright, yet rich eye catching color that shows it is from a rich bloodline of quality. With only a limited number available, we felt it was best that Vibe XR stood out in a crowd yet showed its class making it suitable for the Private Stock.
A must have for all SERIOUS hardcore Hammer fans.
The new XR Private Stock line of bowling equipment has extra attention given to all of the details. Every one is specially numbered (001 through 333) and comes with a Special Oil Free Hammer Towel. A little extra time is given to these making them the Xtra Rare Private Stock.
Remember, only 333 have been made and when they are gone, they are gone forever.
Color: Electric Blue
Core: Symmetrical
Coverstock: NBT-XR SOLID
Factory Finish: 500, 500, 1000, 2000 Polish
Reaction: Length With Strong Backend
Radius of Gyration (RG):2.510
Differential (Diff): 0.0390
** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium