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Author Topic: This forum's been too quiet.  (Read 3667 times)


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This forum's been too quiet.
« on: June 23, 2012, 12:45:37 AM »
So let's get a topic going!

Summer leagues, how's your Hammer equipment working out for you?

I've been bowling a league in a house I've only ever practiced in, and have found their league shot to be MUCH heavier than what I'm used to. And the lanes are also synthetics, which makes things that much different.

I've found that pulling my original Black Widow back out of the closet was the biggest trick. I've been stepping from Widow, to Widow Sting, to Taboo Pearl. It sounds odd, but the Pearl Taboo has been too touchy. Too much oil and it doesn't make the turn. Give it friction, though, and it makes a massive move.

I usually bowl on wood lanes, so my equipment is all drilled pin up, with variations of length.

Any other Hammer bowlers facing new challenges?
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion



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Re: This forum's been too quiet.
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2012, 01:07:58 AM »
I am really liking he new Hammer product line...

The Ratchet is perfect for the heavier medium to heavy patterns. Very strong rolling ball that does NOT quit!

The Arson Pearl is the perfect complement to the original Arson when too strong or not turning the corner, the Arson Pearl does the trick!

The Nail gives a real nice look on the lanes tha the Hammer line has not seen in the past. This is a real "special" ball that belong sin your bag for the flatter/tougher patterns.

The Cobalt Vibe... Original Widow cover on a Vibe core = AWESOME matchup of a ball hat you can tune for most patterns ou will see on the lanes! It's that good - BEST Vibe we have had!

Let me know if you have any questions!
Michael Thompson
Hammer Amateur Staff Member


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Re: This forum's been too quiet.
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2012, 02:39:10 AM »
I'm definitely going to have the Ratchet. It officially releases 6 days before my birthday, so it's designated a present.

Picking up the Taboo Jet Black in the next 2-4 weeks, depends on the money situation. Any perspective as to where that compares to the original Black Widow? I've heard it's close, just a little later.

The Nail is something I'm REALLY looking at right now.

I've got an 8 game sweeper tourney I'm gonna go to soon, at the house I've bowled at all my life. Held 220+ there, got really use to having a coast to coast shot.

Hit the summer league, playing 20-9ish, have to burn out the track area, and THEN play where I feel the most comfortable. It's been a learning experience. On the nights I score, I'm averaging 250ish. Normal nights I'm 190-215, as carry is a lot less established.

Plus, it's a summer league and I like messing around a little bit too much...Gotta stop myself from that. And being too stubborn to change balls. Those are my two biggest problems. If I get too comfortable, I get "bored." I just "have" to try a different line. Last week went 248, 247, 180. Made myself so angry that last game. Pinging 10's and 7's, ball change, strike city. Lost half a game.
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion


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Re: This forum's been too quiet.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 05:17:18 AM »
havnt thrown a lot of hammer in the past, but i picked up an original taboo from a buddy. ball had less than 10 games on it & he let me have it for 30.00. my ball driller brought it out to me just as i was finishing shadow ball last wensday. thought about waiting, but said what the heck ill try it. so glad i did, without throwing it once proceded to shoot 253,279,300, for 832. ball is a beast.i will definatly be throwing more hammer nuggets!!!!


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Re: This forum's been too quiet.
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 03:30:57 PM »
That's some good bowling right there! What kind of shot were you on?

Gonna get the Jet Black Taboo tonight, and compare it with my Widow on a heavy volume THS.
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion


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Re: This forum's been too quiet.
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 07:23:11 PM »
Its a ths, landmark lanes in peoria il.  They do have a good amount of oil. Id say they are med-heavy to heavy oil.


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Re: This forum's been too quiet.
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 12:59:08 AM »
Well, ended up not getting the jet Black drilled tuesday. Issues of time and such.

Did bowl league, and man...The lanes dried out a lot quicker, to the point I was standing left foot lined with the gutter and pitching the ball over 15, out to 5, and hoping it didn't leave a 9-pin or go through the nose.

The ball? The midnight vibe. It dried out that much. Then again, the Vibe isn't weak, but it was still too much. The outside temp of 100+ didn't help things, I don't think. Plus the AC seemed to be nonexistant.

Didn't bowl as well as I had liked to, nothing to post about score-wise, but eh. It was experience. My Taboo Spare ended up getting thrown as a first ball, 15 over 10 to 5, still coming back strong.
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion