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Author Topic: HammerHeads Unite! Discussion of replacements for the newly discontinued equipment....  (Read 9646 times)


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What does everyone think?

lets get some buzz going on here!

I just signed my new contract with Hammer yesterday and look forward to another exciting successful year with the best equipment around...

that being said...

what does everyone think will be replacing the newly discontinued equipment

1. Raw Hammer Doom   :'(  (will be missed dearly)
2. Blue Vibe (first adult 300 with this gem, will never be forgotten)
3. Raw Hammer Toxic (first adult 800 series with the green monster)
4. No Mercy (qualified through the TQR in Reno at the  
             Championship with this aggressive piece of equipment)
5. No Mercy Beat'n (a trooper to open up the lane)

I am honestly CLUELESS to what will be coming out this summer around bowl expo time and am very excited for Christmas come early...

so lets throw some ideas out there... what does everyone think ?

one possible guess I have might be a new High Line since both No Mercy's have been discontinued... I have no idea what it would be, but am giddy at the idea of the possibility...

anyways Hammerheads have at it!!!
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."

Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff



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The Venom is coming soon


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different core, different cover, different color, different line...

if thats considered the same, what IS considered different?  :-)
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."

Edited on 5/15/2008 2:25 PM

Edited on 5/15/2008 2:25 PM
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff


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The Raw Hammer Psycho looks like it could be great with the Assault core
My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury
Raw Hammer Pain
Blue Vibe


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dont like the pic of the ball
bowling is my life

Doug Sterner

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Guys it's all marketing....Ebonite balls suck so much oil due to the porosity of the resins in use. This causes the big pores to fill up with dirt, grease, grimae and dirt....thus decreasing the hook potential. It's just like drag racing.....1000's of HP for 5 seconds then time to rebuild.

Lots of performance for a short time...then a complete overhaul.

Anybody else out there think it's a coincidence that Ebonite also markets the Hook Again system????
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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the hook again system is offered for those bowling balls that get that extra tread work in from bowlers who dont have a multi ball arsenal and end up using the same ball week in and week out for extended periods of time, without proper maintenance...

can you run a car without an oil change for 10,000 miles... quite possibly...

is it smart or good for the car? NO

it is far better to get it done the suggested 3000 miles and be fresh in timely intervals to keep it running smoothly

can you use a ball without maintaining the cover and cleaning it after a couple weeks use and have it be ok?  Yeah you can but the reaction will certainly change or be modified

people think that bowling balls should have a great reaction for 500 games and it is just not feasible anymore...

with the viscous lane oil that is ever changing the companies need to have bowling balls that will soak in the oil to create more friction and higher amounts of ball reaction...

if bowling balls get properly maintained their life is extended without question. with a resurface here and there the reaction can come back... but of course bowling balls are not indestructible, after a plethora of games are put onto a ball and the amounts of oil are soaked into the ball and coverstock the reaction can change, hence the advertisement of the hook again system which I myself have had success with on more than just Ebonite products (before I was on Hammer Staff)

with new equipment always being released every few months, arsenals get changed quite frequently for avid bowlers...

for the bowler who bowls one or two leagues a year and has only a couple bowling balls, a brand new Ebonite product can be purchased and easily last with proper maintenance  throughout the year and before the next season a possible full resurface, bake and hook again can leak out excess oil to bring back a more out of box reaction and bring life back to the bowling ball that might have been drained from the wear and tear

bowling balls are wear and tear items, it is a known fact... but they can be maintained and worked on to have a longer life.

I have had my first blue vibe for two years now, since I first got on staff, and it still works like new and hits just as hard with Ebonite cleaning products and a resurface maybe twice, it is still a trooper and always travels in my bowling bag...

so there are some anomalies when it comes to a bowling ball that has had a lot of tread put on it, but the blue vibe is also a lower end bowling ball and doest soak up as much oil as the higher performance bowling balls under the Ebonite Brand name...

they soak up oil to create more hook, it is as simple as that... similarly I have had multiple Black Widows last a long time with proper surface prep and maintenance, so to say they die and are worthless after 50 games in a bit far fetched...

but that is my two cents on that whole issue



cant wait to get this new equipment out on the lanes, will post back soon and will keep everyone updated on the new arrivals and will put up mini reviews when I have thrown the new equipment!

Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."

Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff

six pack

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so in a nutshell anyone that uses Ebonite cover balls,own a ball spinner and do hot water baths from time to time and you should be fine.I've noticed my Ebo covers to lose performance and always brought them back with a cut and soak.on the other hand my old Track and Brunswick covers would take more games before they needed attention.if I did'nt clean an Ebo cover I could'nt sleep at night but I've skiped cleaning Track and Brunswick balls and they never skiped a beat. I think Ebo should start marketing a personal ball spinner,that would be cool!
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The harder I try the harder they fall