Rumor has it (read: more comments in that video) that they are discontinuing Purple Pearl Urethane again - and for good - because of hardness standards again. I'm taking that with a huge grain of salt, because I don't believe Brunswick would run into that problem again after EBI did, unless there is some sort of flaw in the chemical makeup of that urethane formula for it to fail again. Apparently, Red Pearl is supposed to replace that.
I also noticed on the Approved list from August 2021 that there were two more BW Urethanes that made the list: BW Urethane Black and BW Urethane Purple. If these 3 non-Widow Urethanes are coming out, it's more than likely that the BW Urethanes will be overseas only.
Apologies for sounding like a broken record (I probably asked this a dozen times), but when EBI bought Hammer, did they just by the name only, or all of the tech that went along with it? I ask, because I wonder if that would include the IP, including the formulas for the urethanes that Faball made, because wouldn't Brunswick own that now as well?