I have about the same specs as you - alltough my speed is normally a little less than yours & I have the same balls in my arsenal.
I absolutely love my Emerald Vibe, great for 2nd shift ths & short patterns for me, you will be suprised with the reaction you get out of it, it is advertised for dry oil, but can easily handle more & the backend reaction is top-notch.
My Furious is also the middle ball in my arsenal, I just got it and only have tested it 2 times so far, it was good on a fresh oiled ths for me, more predictable & more consistent roll than the Emerald, less in the backend.
My gravity only comes in next week, no info about that one yet, but when I see other strokers in my hometown bowling throwing this ball it seems like a good match.
If you want more info about how I drilled the emerald & furious -> message me.