Scott, I just drilled up a NM last night. The Pin to PAP was just barely 4 inches. The Pin ended up just barely above and to the side of the ring finger. It took a lot of re-mapping the layout to get it the way that I wanted, so that I could get a minimum 4 inch dimension, not have to drill into the Pin, have the Hart in the track, and have the CG in a position that I could bring it into specs without an additional weight hole. The layout was pretty close to the Hammer #1 suggestion.
I tried it last night on Brunswick HPL's. The ball seemed to float about 40 feet, then rev up very fast and make a nice hard turn to the pocket. Very impressive backend move and hit. I'll be taking this to a PBA Regional this weekend.
I've had many balls in the past that just didn't match up to my style. For instance, the Brunswick Strike Zone. This is a great ball for almost everyone. I have never seen anyone struggle with this ball except me. I could not get the ball to move at all. I tried plugging, redrilling, coverstock prep, weight holes, etc. I finally gave up, just as you did with the NM.
Some bowler styles simply do not match up with certain equipment. This is the trial and error part of learning how to select the proper equipment for your game. Take a look at the specs for the NM, such as asymmetrical design, differential, etc. and see if you can find a clue as to what doesn't match up for you.
P.S Thanks for posting feedback. I read and reread all of the NM topics before mapping out my ball, and all of the opinions helped a lot. Good luck!