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Author Topic: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align  (Read 2540 times)


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No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« on: August 01, 2007, 08:07:24 AM »
i just got a new NM Beaten. The heart is not in perfect line with the PIN. It's off to the right about 1 inch. Does it matter? should I return this to the vendor and get another one? I am a right hander.
Thanks for your suggestion



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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 04:11:39 PM »
So the HART is not on the pin-CG line?  By an inch?  Really, the CG is not on the pin-HART line, probably by a half inch or less, depending on the pin-out.  Given that most of the NM drilling instructions tell you to put the HART close to or left of the thumb, you probably won't have the CG swung out too far.

Unless you've got a crapload of top weight, there shouldn't be a problem getting the ball to do what you want.  Most asymmetric balls with a marked MB (or whatever the HART really is) don't have the pin, CG, and MB all in line.


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 04:50:08 PM »
that's a perfect ball for a righty.the farther left the heart is from the thumb the more backend you will see.everyone puts the heart next to the thumb and then the ball rolls out on them and they just claim that the ball is a dud.placement of the heart within you're 3-4 th track ring is you're best bet.
for the life of me I don't understand why Hammer dose'nt mark the intermediate mass bias and the primary mass bias.
I'll give up my NO MERCY when they pry it from my cold dead hands.
The harder I try the harder they fall


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2007, 04:56:05 PM »
for the life of me I don't understand why Hammer dose'nt mark the intermediate mass bias and the primary mass bias.

The HART marking is 90* from what most people would consider the mass bias (in either direction, doesn't matter; righties would use 90* to the right).  If you marked that spot you could lay the ball out like any other strong asymmetric ball.

The trick with the HART-cored balls is that the CG is always very close to the pin-HART line, very nearly 90* from the pin-MB line (again, whether you're a lefty or righty), and normal strong MB drillings (HART close to thumb or left of it) will always end up with the CG close to the grip center.

CG close to the grip center?  Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute.  That sounds familiar.  Where have I heard that before?  Think, brain, think!

Do you know now why the HART is where it is and why the spot that most people would consider the MB is not marked?


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2007, 05:07:23 PM »
I obviously don't.I thought the inter.m.b. was used to offset excess side weight to eliminate wt.holes per the abc rule proposal that never passed.
I see alot of nm's with the heart next to the thumb,that would place the m.b. on or very close to the val,instint roll or hook-set.
I'll give up my NO MERCY when they pry it from my cold dead hands.
The harder I try the harder they fall


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2007, 11:23:22 PM »
I obviously don't.I thought the inter.m.b. was used to offset excess side weight to eliminate wt.holes per the abc rule proposal that never passed.
I see alot of nm's with the heart next to the thumb,that would place the m.b. on or very close to the val,instint roll or hook-set.

As I said, the neat thing they did with the design of the HART core was to guarantee that the CG would end up on a line 90* from the MB.  Yes, by putting the HART in the track like they recommend, they both put the CG close to the grip center as the proposed rule would have AND have the MB swung toward the VAL.  MB on VAL is a pretty strong layout, they were pretty much thumbing their noses as the proposed rule change by showing that weight hole or not, they could still use fancy, high-tech cores to get as much hook and power as they wanted.



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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2007, 12:07:40 AM »
I got my Beat'n on Monday. I'm a righty and the heart was off set almost three inches to the right of the pin and center of gravity.  After laying it out trying the #1 layout the heart would have been below and a little to the right of the thumb.  It would have been perfect if it was a Black Widow Series ball. I wish it was off set the other direction so I could get the heart in my track area.  

If any other righties got one like this and drilled it with the heart below the thumb or to the right of it. I'd like to hear your comments on why you drilled it. Did you get the reaction you expected?


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2007, 12:09:45 AM »
I always thought that the CG was offline, and not the MB. I have always heard it being referred to as the CG is 1" out of line and such.
Formerly known as KennySkidmore.
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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2007, 08:59:00 PM »
Sounds like the same thing that popped up when the No Mercy came
out.  If the ball performs best when the pin/cg/hart are in alignment,
then why are these ball w/ 3 inch mis-alignments even released to
the public w/o being advertised as an x-our or 2nd????

Don't get me wrong, I've loved every ball I've bought from Hammer
(especially the new Cherry Vibe), but the No Mercy line seems to be
be far the most love-hate balls I've ever seen.


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2007, 09:11:14 PM »
Thanks for all the replies.
I don't actually own a Beaten, i was posting for a friend.
Well, he drilled (#1) and try it last night, 268, 279 and 216, so sounds like it work out pretty good for him


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Re: No Mercy Beaten - heart not align
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2007, 09:37:04 PM »
Drill a Black Widow instead and you won't have these issues.  How many staffers on tour did you see throw a No Mercy on TV?  Went to the TOC matchplay in CT and watched Doug Kent and Tony Reyes use Black Widows exclusively, the No Mercy stayed in the bag.  Just drilled a Black Widow for my friend and there's no way the No Mercy should come close to that ball.  But what do I know, I throw all Rotogrip equipment and I'll take on Odyssey or original Epic any day to a Black Widow.
