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Author Topic: NO MERCY mini review.  (Read 2275 times)


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NO MERCY mini review.
« on: December 06, 2006, 07:25:33 AM »
COVER: 2000 Grit Abralon
LAYOUT: #6, PIN above bridge, HART 3/4" left of thumb
BOWLERS STYLE: See profile

HOOK:  This ball hooks big time!  It has a strong mid lane read and equally strong back end move.  For me this ball works great on med and heavy conditions.  This ball also cuts right thru carry down with ease.  The total amount of hook is similar to the BW but a tad more.  The BW is all in the back end.  The NM is mid lane and strong back end.

RATING: 10/10

CONTROL:  This ball is actually very controllable.  It gets thru the heads good and maes a predictable move all the way thru the lane.  This ball works good on tough patterns if there's enough oil.  If the lanes are on the dry side then this ball becomes uncontrollable and needs to be put back into the bag.

RATING: 8/10 on med and heavy, 3/10 on dry.

HIT:  This ball has the hardest hit I have ever seen.  Not only does this ball hit freaking hard but it also carry's great.  A lot of balls that hit hard tend to leave 9 pins for me.  Not this ball!  This ball just shreds the racks.  

RATING: 10/10

READABILITY:  The NM is not the ball I would use for reading the lanes.  It's so strong that it's hard to tell how much oil is in the middle or if there's carry down present.  There are a lot better balls in the Hammer line up for reading lanes with.

RATING: 5/10

OVERALL:  The NM is a fantastic piece of equipment.  It handles med to heavy oil with ease.  This ball works great on house shots but can also excel on tough patterns that have a decent amount of oil.  The pocket strike percentage with this ball is just nuts.  Find the pocket and it's a strike.  Hammer hit a grand slam with this ball.

The only draw back to this ball is the layouts.  It seems that some bowlers are having trouble with the #1 recommended layout for this ball.  The #1 layout asks for pin to pap distance of 4"-5".  A lot of pro shop drillers are not taking this into account.  There just placing the pin right of the ring figner for right handers and putting a labe layout on it and calling it a day. I'm sorry but this is wrong!  A good driller will check a bowlers pap and place the pin in the correct location.

I hope this small review helps you guys out.  I'm not very good at doing these.

I will post an actual review when I get some more use on the tough patterns with this ball.  The NO MERCY is amazing to say the least!

GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!

Edited on 12/9/2006 10:53 AM



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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 03:38:29 PM »
chitown your reviews on this ball has been great.  my pap
is almost identical to yours and have been looking into getting
the NM in a week or two.  i need a ball with good midlane and
strong backend.  i was afraid to purchase one because of the
problems with people using the #1 layout.  but reading your
reviews, i think i am going to go with the #6 layout.  just out
of curiousity, did u have a 2,3, or 4 inch pin?  my track is about
3/4" - 1" left of thumb and 1" - 1 1/4" left of fingers.  my speed
is about 16mph.  you think the #6 would work?  there is one guy in
my tues. league who throws one but he's a stroker and the ball
looks like crap when he throws in.  he has #1 layout and has dropped
15 pins in avg the last 3-4 weeks.  any info would help


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 03:53:23 PM »
Gunny I think the #6 layout will work great.  In fact, I think the #6 layout will work for a lot more bowlers than just the high rev ones.  This layout saves the balls energy for when it counts.

My ball has a 3" pin out distance.  I also have the CG kicked left to 1oz of negative side weight.  

I love this ball.  If you check out the vid that Rolls06 made of this ball you will see what the #6 layout does.  Mine reacts very similar to his.  The ball just takes down the pins.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 03:59:33 PM »
cool man thanks.  i will have to check his vid out.  i see you have it at
2000 grit abralon, how was the reaction OOB.  i usually change the surface
on all mine to get the reaction i want, but just curious as to how the OOB
was.  length?  skid/snap?  also thanks for the review and help


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 04:08:10 PM »
good lord!  you aint kidding.  just watched the vid and that ball
is a friggan beast!!! hooked now!


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 04:13:49 PM »
cool man thanks.  i will have to check his vid out.  i see you have it at
2000 grit abralon, how was the reaction OOB.  i usually change the surface
on all mine to get the reaction i want, but just curious as to how the OOB
was.  length?  skid/snap?  also thanks for the review and help

In box condition it will give you just a tad more length.  At the 2000 grit it just works great for me but I didn't notice too much difference.

I also tried this NO MERCY polished with factory finish polish.  This gave the ball a lot more length but the back end was a little less.  Usually the back end increases once a ball is polished.  I'm sure it would on really dry back ends.  2000 grit seems to be the perfect cover grit for my style.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 04:18:57 PM »
good lord!  you aint kidding.  just watched the vid and that ball
is a friggan beast!!! hooked now!

Mine reacts very similar to Rolls06's.  Both of ours are drilled with the #6 layout.

The bowlers that have posted problems with this ball all used the #1 layout.  Now that's strange! I drilled the #6 layout because each one of the balls in my arsenal has the same pin above the bridge location.  I just let the cover and cores separate the reactions.  Each ball in my arsenal has it's own characteristics even with the same pin location.

I really feel that the #1 layout is not for everyone.  In fact, I feel it's too strong for most.  Go with the #6 and you will be good to go!
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 04:58:04 PM »
Super Review ! I sure hope more folks read this and the part about the Layouts ! Glad to see you have something other than a Doom to be so happy about !  lol.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2006, 05:05:28 PM »
I would agree with Chitown on this one. Perhaps the #1 drill isn't for everyone. Mine is closer to #8 then anything else...and it's working great. And I know two other people with No Mercy's and they love the ball. Can't really understand the problems except mistakes in drilling.



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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2006, 08:30:05 PM »
Hey everyone.. what if i put the #6 layout on this ball.. but i don't have 350rpms? what can be the biggest problem i run into?
Track Legion

Robo Rule, PoWer MaChine, DEsert HeAt  
" Just can't Beat That!"


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Re: NO MERCY mini review.
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2006, 11:49:51 PM »
Hey everyone.. what if i put the #6 layout on this ball.. but i don't have 350rpms? what can be the biggest problem i run into?
Track Legion

Robo Rule, PoWer MaChine, DEsert HeAt  
" Just can't Beat That!"

Yes you can still use this layout even if you don't have 350rpm.  That is a myth that low rev players can't use long pin to pap distances.  Just like it's a myth that low rev players need early rolling layouts.

The cover grit is the most important part of a balls reaction.  If you get this ball and use the #6 layout and it doesn't hook enough then bring the cover down until it's where you want it too be.

I have the same pin location on every ball in my arsenal.  I let the cover and cores separate the reactions.  Since using this approach my game has got a lot better.  

I have 2 Raw Hammer Pains.  Both are drilled exactly the same.  One of mine is at 4000 grit abralon.  The other is at 1000 grit abralon.  Two completely different reaction strengths.  The 1000 grit ball is about 8-10 boards stronger than the 4000 grit one.  Same ball and layout.  The cover is where it's at.

Like I said before, each ball even though drilled the same will show it's characteristics.  I had my NM at 4000 grit and PAIN at 4000 grit.  Both balls drilled with the same pin location.  The NM has a strong mid lane and back end.  My PAIN has a strong mid lane and smooth back end.  Same pin location.

Another good example.  I used to have an ARSENAL REACTIVE from TRACK.  That ball had a low RG core.  With the same pin above the bridge layout, CG kicked right to 1oz and no balance hole.  This ball with that layout still had it's earlier roll in it's reaction.  The low RG core still showed the early roll even with the length layout.  

Sorry for the rambling but you should get my point.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!