chitown your reviews on this ball has been great. my pap
is almost identical to yours and have been looking into getting
the NM in a week or two. i need a ball with good midlane and
strong backend. i was afraid to purchase one because of the
problems with people using the #1 layout. but reading your
reviews, i think i am going to go with the #6 layout. just out
of curiousity, did u have a 2,3, or 4 inch pin? my track is about
3/4" - 1" left of thumb and 1" - 1 1/4" left of fingers. my speed
is about 16mph. you think the #6 would work? there is one guy in
my tues. league who throws one but he's a stroker and the ball
looks like crap when he throws in. he has #1 layout and has dropped
15 pins in avg the last 3-4 weeks. any info would help