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Author Topic: No Mercy or No Brain?  (Read 3677 times)

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No Mercy or No Brain?
« on: October 18, 2006, 10:45:41 AM »
I'm confused by Hammer's marketing materials on the new ball.  Is the ball about a matchup for a lane condition or is it about making life easier on the pro-shop?  With all the talk about easy drilling, you'd think it came with a do-it-yourself home drill kit.

Do any pro-shop pros feel insulted by the marketing on this one?



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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 06:48:38 PM »
the owner of mine thinks its kinda dumb, as basicaly you drill it lable, and there arent many more options, it throws most drillings out the window... but by no means insulted. they have a recomended drill, just like brunswick has there 4 or so recomended drills, how often do you see those exact layouts? proshops will figure it out eventually....
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 09:51:00 PM »
The way I've seen alot of shops lay out some of the high powered assymetrical stuff, I'd say this is a step in the right direction.  

I'm tired of seeing low trackers with a PAP measurement around 3 1/2" asking for an aggressive layout and a shop will put them in a traditional stack leverage type drill.  It then reacts nothing like the customer wanted and they're left with a dud.
- DP3
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 10:44:46 PM »
whats wrong with Hammer making it easier on the pro shop guys?? I see nothing wrong with it at all. I actually think its a great idea.. laying out some balls is a PIA and with this ball it takes all the guess work out..
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 11:12:55 PM »
I see nothing wrong with their drilling instruction sheet.
While I'm not a driller, I have done my home work on layouts and I am familiar with how layouts are supposed to work.  Hammer specifically states not to use traditional mass bias layouts on the ball.  Giving the Pro shops easy to use instructions on drilling should help the drillers achieve their intented results with the drilling lay outs.  Traditional aggressive mass bias drillings take the mass bias away from the track and toward the PAP, the No Mercy appears to be OPPOSITE that thinking.  I think it is a smart move by Hammer to do this with the instructions.
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2006, 11:25:26 PM »
I feel this ball is just new technology.  Asymmetrical balls require different drilling layouts than symmetrical.  It's just a matter of getting used to new tech.

I personally like symmetrical balls over anything else.  There easy to layout and are generally smoother reacting.  Plus there usually better priced.

Hey I really like the direction that Hammer is going. I feel there making some of the best balls on the market today.  These guys from Ebonite/Hammer are on the ball.

I used to only throw Track balls.  I gave the Doom and try and was sold on Hammer ever since.
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Joe Jr

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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2006, 12:30:22 AM »
I'm just not sure of the reason for this core. Your average bowler has trouble telling the difference symmetric and asymmetric cores as it is, now Hammer is going to confuse things even more. What do they expect to gain from this core? Do they hope to change Asymmetric cores completely?

Not quite sure of the purpose of this ball...
- Joe
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2006, 08:52:12 AM »
From my understanding of the core, and anti-mass bias cores in general, the anti bias, or HART in this case is the center of the weight biased portion of the block, you can theoretically draw a line across the entire bowling ball to get the actual mass bias. So it does throw conventional mass bias drillings out the door a bit due to the placement of the anti-bias, its not new technology its just a renaming of current technology.
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2006, 09:52:38 AM »
it's all about their new core,  and some of the drilling's may still require a balance hole.

as for making it easier on the pro shops???    i think not.
most good pro shops can weight out a ball after drilling, and put a balance hole in,  within a matter of a few minutes.  it's not rocket science!!!!!!!!!!!

and the pro shop still needs to help the customer determine which of the 8 drilling's will best suit him.

their are many bowler's who do not like or want a balance hole!!!!
so this could be right up their alley.

have a customer due in this morning to buy a strike machine,  first words out of his mouth yesterday,  " do you have a ball { strike machine } that we can drill without the need for a balance hole "

believe it or not,  one can score without a balance hole drilling!!!!!!


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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2006, 10:08:11 AM »
I agree about the balance hole thing.  Balance holes don't make one score better.  A ball with a balance hole is not going to carry any better than a ball without one.

Right now I own 4 strike balls and 2 of them have balance holes.  It just depends on what you want the ball to do.

GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!

Joe Jr

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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2006, 04:19:50 PM »
The HART marking on this ball is actually not the back side of your traditional mass bias but instead a marker of the side of the core of 90 Degrees from the traditional mass bias.

If you think about this their standard recommended layout with the HART in the track puts the traditional mass bias 2-5 inches right of your thumb which most people like anyways.  

This is more intended to get around the need for huge weight holes in strong drillings.

This ball has an incredible ball motion with a Coverstock like no others.  

No need to take a ball down to 500 to get ball motion.  there are several other layouts that will look very different then what you are used to seeing that can tame this ball down but for those with more ball speed and or less hand the #1 layout will produce great backend motion.

This ball also responds well to polish for those of you with slower ball speed or more hand.  So you can still drill it strong and then tame it down instead of taking the hook out of the ball with a weaker layout.

PS we do have these on special and if you see them less expensive just message or email us and we will see what we can do to match or even beat the price.

Ah ok I see now. Thanks.
- Joe
Formerly Brunswick Lefty
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Re: No Mercy or No Brain?
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2006, 05:39:59 PM »
got my No Mercy yesterday from the lovely UPS Man yesterday

went and punched it up yesterday and tried using it last night on the THS at league at my local house. The Track burns up quick because of all the older guys who like to throw their charcoal pointing at the head pin... so trying to loop the ball is nearly out of the question... the Mercy would hit the track and burn up faster than a piece of tissue. i moved in and squared up to get it in the little oil that was left by the end of the night and got a much better reaction

i bowled on pba regional pattern 2 today with it, and man what a difference, i was able to loop the ball to the outside and everytime it seemed a ten was going to stand it would kick out with ease...

i put the recommended most aggressive layout on it ( or mocked it a bit)

i received my No Mercy and the cg was offset left of the pin and HART... this made it extremely difficult to try and do almost any of the recommended drillings, it would have been a perfect ball for a lefty, but i got it and did what i could to make it work cuz i just wanted to throw it already

the pin is directly next to my ring finger as suggested and the cg wound up about 2 inches below my middle finger, so to account for negative side i drilled the middle finger a little extra deep with a 15/16 bit rather than the 31/32.

the HART wound up being direct next to my thumb on the left... it is close to my track but not driectly in it, but is the best i could do with the small amount of options i had. it is almost exactly how Brian Graham dexcribed it to me, starts up a several feet earlier than the Widow and is stronger overall.

on pattern 2 i was standing about 25, hitting about 17 and getting it out to about 3, and the ball was a beast when it hit the pins, mixers, high flush, messengers, trip tens, it had all of these up its sleeve, i am looking forward to using it this weekend at the member non member doubles in vegas

i will be ordering another and drilling it slightly different next week
i will keep everyone posted on how it continuously rolls through the use i will put it through

show No Mercy

P.S. to anyone who thinks that Hammer is in the wrong for creating something new with a bowling ball, isnt technology supposed to move forward? what is wrong with Hammer using their R and D to find something new that might become something great and work out for a lot of people? its all about coming out with new cores and covers that adhere to the customers wants and needs and about making something that a wide variety and styles of bowlers can all use and like. I commend Hammer for releasing a new technology, so far so good and we will see how it continues... and its not like they released an Epoxy ball or something (chuckles under breath)  
Mason Sherman
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