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Author Topic: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?  (Read 3456 times)


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No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« on: December 13, 2006, 12:55:29 AM »
Have a Fellow league bowler who just had a NM drilled a week ago at a local shop. He isn't to happy with fit so he came to me. He is long on span, thumbhole a bit large, so the "pro-shop" put a sure-hook in the thumb hole(collapsable sponge type insert), the grips were sticking out of the ball 1/4", so they hacked them off flush with a knife. Looks like they were chewed off.

 Normally, I would send this guy back to the "pro-shop". But WOW! So to my real question to fix this guy up. His PAP is 4 5/8 o and 1 3/8 up. Revs probably in the 275 range, avg. speed. He was throwing a purple urethane hammer and bowling actually quite well for that old piece, so he has a decent release. This 15 lb NoMercy is drilled with the pin 1 " from his PAP towards his palm and the heart is 2" left of thumb and at thumb height in his track ok. The pin is 1 3/8" above his grip center( exact same height as his PAP up distance). Kind of a version of Layout #7, but with pin at 1" from PAP instead of 3 1/2-4 1/2. When he throws the ball it is like you used a piece of white tape to locate his PAP, but it is the pin !  Ball does flare some but does not seem to perform or carry as well as my NM as well as others I have witnessed. ( Mine is #1 layout).

Any body have a NM with it layed on its side like this? Do I fix his span with a thumb fix or a complete plug and redrill, or do We have a ball so misdrilled that I can send him back to a fellow "pro shop" and have him ask for a new ball? Opinions?

Thanks, Al



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Re: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2006, 09:56:31 AM »
plug and re-drill


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Re: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2006, 01:59:10 PM »
Yeah.. Sounds like the ball was drilled with out actually knowing his PAP.  With the poor fit, its a head shaker.  Although I hate to plug a brand new ball, I think your best bet would be to plug it up and start over...  


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Re: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2006, 11:15:34 PM »
Sounds like a plug and re-drill.  Explain what the other shop did wrong.  Write him out a bill for the work and send that back to the other shop.  See if they will pay the plug bill.
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Re: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2006, 11:24:33 PM »
The Pin/Axis drilling is a low flare "rolly-polly" drilling.  Great for Tour/Sport conditions when you need carry and not a ton of reaction.  Unless it is for these reasons than it was a waist of 200 plus bucks.... SORRY...
Good Luck & Good Bowling

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Edited on 12/14/2006 0:24 AM

Edited on 12/14/2006 0:25 AM


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Re: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2006, 09:42:44 AM »
Thanks for the feedback.

Met with the bowler last night at the lanes, checked his span...1/4" long, checked his thumb pitch angles....1/4 rev (he drops some...needs 1/8 as per chart), Has 1/4 plus left pitch!!!( coke bottle test is 1/8 right). He says ball actually hurts his wrist to throw. Imagine that...hmmm. As it turns out, his span ended being almost exact as mine, pitches and all, so he tossed my plastic spare ball and we nailed down his correct PAP, which increased to 5 1/2 o and 5/8 up, on a ball that fit him. He said it felt better than any ball he has used. So I had him toss my NM drilled #1 that would give him a 4 1/2 pin to PAP, pin above ring.....first 4 on a fresh league pair, with that same look I see in everyones eyes that throws one of these for the first time. No pain anymore either.

He does not want to give the other guy a chance to fix ( I don't blame him in this case ) But may have an issue with plug and redrill....ball has a misaligned cg and heavy top. To give him a #1 will be impossible without a negative placed weight hole, and to give him a #2 drill will weaken ball slightly. Any other 4-5" pin to PAP and thumb in track will be even worse on the negative weight issue. He really needs a new ball. I may call the driller and run this by him diplomatically, but will probably make an enemy instead. I would want to know if I had an unhappy customer.

Thanks, Al


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Re: No Mercy pin on PAP drill?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2006, 09:57:32 AM »
Yeah that's a tough position...  I'm not sure there is any diplomatic way to say your customer just brought me the ball you drilled for him and the fit and layout weren't even close (maybe you could say something like the surface prep was just fine?).. and then explain that for the proper layout, the ball he/she had sold the customer was not going to work and that you needed a replacement NM and a check for $60 to cover layout and drilling charges to make things right..  

On a side note, it may not be the best looking option, but a weight hole on the negative side of the ball (explain to the customer that it is needed to make the ball legal due to the poor alignment) is a possibility.  I used to have a ball with a 180 degree layout that had a weight hole on the negative side... just have him throw the ball first and check the flare... place it close to the bowtie, so none of the flare hits it.


Joe Theismann's MNF idiot quote of the week (regarding Grossman):
"His teammates want him to do well."