I have a NO MERCY drilled with the # 1 Recommended Layout per the spec sheet. The guys on here are correct in informing you that this layout may be too strong for you. It all depends on your style.
I decided to give it the # 1 Layout because I wanted to see what it would do for me. A guy such as myself who has a PAP distance of 5 > by 1 ^ would have a layout of a 3 1/2" Pin to PAP distance with the HART just left of thumb.
EXAMPLE: We both have a NO MERCY drilled with the # 1 Recommended Layout; but, we have different PAPs. You may have a 2 3/4" Pin to PAP while with my PAP, the layout would be 3 1/2" from Pin to PAP. Thus, we see 2 totally different reactions and it could be the difference between a ball getting a 'thumbs up' or a 'thumbs down'.
For me the NO MERCY with this layout definitely shows how strong it really is; however, in the heads (front part), uses most of its energy up front and gives a smooth arc on the backend.
I suggest drilling the NO MERCY based on these 3 guidelines:
1. Your Positive Axis Point (PAP)
2. What type of reaction you are looking for
3. What type of condition you are looking to use it on
Hope this helps buddy! God Bless You All and have a great week!
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