The NM does indeed move one's track a bit lower, but wouldn't one think that Hammers R&D discovered this early on in "beta" testing and would have suggested taking this into account when recommending drill patterns? Since they did not (i.e. Hammer says to drill the hart in your track, not a quarter inch, etc, lower) and most people who have drilled the ball correctly for their game have nothing but good things to say about the ball (including myself who has shot league scores of 300, 289 and 279 with the NM in a two and a half week time span)makes me think that the lowering of the track is simply the dynamics of the ball in play....kind of a nature of the beast.
I even drilled a big old axis hole in mine the other day to get the gross weight down to 14.9 from 14.14. We took a 12" --1 1/4" bit and drilled almost through the entire ball. I was worried that it might alter the dynamic reaction of the ball as we've done this before and it's a bit of a crap shoot. Sometimes, because of the enhanced mass bias that the hole creates I'll get a great reaction while at other times it kills the ball. At any rate, I tried the ball out in the Friday scratch league and the mega x-hole caused the NM to rev up like a Ferrari powered by jet fuel. I started the first game out with 7 in a row and two people from other teams came over asking what I was throwing. They both literally went up on the approach area RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME and inspected the ball. This unnerved me a bit and I ended up throwing a 268, but the point is THIS BALL IS UNIQUE AND A MONSTER WHEN DRILLED CORRECTLY.
I do not think that the lowering of the track is a factor if the ball isn't performing satisfactorily. In fact, I think if the hart is relatively close to the track your going to see good results. Some peoples game just doesn't match up with certain equipment.
The NM has gotten a bad rap--one of the guys that came up during league to ask what I was throwing responded with this after I told him I was using a NM and had been for the past 3 1/2 weeks: "But I heard that ball was a turd".LOL!!!!WHATEVER!!!! Well. it's gotten me a 300 and I'm #9 in average in that league out of 70 scratch bowlers. Gee, I'd be killin' 'em if I wasn't using a "turd" for a ball, wouldn't I?

Edited on 12/24/2006 5:00 PM
Edited on 12/24/2006 5:00 PM