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Author Topic: ok I got conned into buying a taboo  (Read 5950 times)


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ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:02:58 AM »
As with so many other balls the hype on the taboo has been great. many claims of how strong it is how great an oil ball it is ,its so strong down lane and off the spot,and as usual I am not seeing it. I probably have it set up to weak,but my driller and the one who recomended that i buy it said it was sooooo strong that an overly aggressive drill would render it useless,ha. Its drilled pin up 4inch pin to pap stacked. Its not a bad ball but its not great in my hand. It has decent backend on a shot with a bumper,but for me in any oil its a ten pin monster,over under and a very inconsistent read. I have an odyssey that I picked up again after 2 years and the taboo oob is only 3 to 5 boards stronger than my odyssey polished. The taboo is just another in a long line of strong balls that is gonna get a redrill before i sell it at a big loss. I wish I could say I wouldnt get stuck again ,but I am sure if I dont stop bowling I will,I just cant figure out how to pick something that will give me what I am looking for. I am really just starting to accept that I need to learn how to play from the gutter and stop thinking I am going to find a ball strong enough to play the lanes like I want.

   Sunday night I shot the taboo I dont know what the pattern was ,but it was long and deep. I just couldnt get the taboo to read,shot 172,picked up the odyssey and shot 276. I know so why buy a new ball if the odyssey is so great. I dont like standing 15 playing up 10 much to tight for my liking so I would like something to be able to open up the lane with and as good as the odyssey is I still need something stronger in my bag,something that will give me more than 3 boards and the taboo aint it.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling



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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2011, 06:09:50 PM »
if you want to sell or trade let me know..PM me




My Current Arsenal:

715T................... 65x4.4x30  1000AB

505T................... 65x4.5x30  2000AB

Bank Pearl...........60x5x40     1500 polished

Dark Star.............70x3.5x40  1500 polished

Red Backlash.......80x3x40     2000 polished
Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2011, 06:33:08 PM »
What does "pin to PAP" stacked mean?
never heard it before.
"Stacked" is pin either over CG or MB, usually. 
You need to "thoroughly" research a ball before drilling it. I, without a lot of research, suspect the Taboo is the Hammer version of a Virtual Gravity. Not sure how that affects you.
. I suspect your driller, if he is the ONE responsible for the drilling, does not really know you and your delivery.
But, in general, You need to understand how your delivery affects ball's reactions on the oil AND the lane surface you face, before you drill any ball. That includes surface, RG, RG differential and intermediate (PSA) differential.
As far as I know, the Odyssey is the equivalent to the Taboo, 4 years ago. Similar everything- surface, RG, both differentials etc. In today's terms the same drilling on an Odyssey would handle true medium oil while a Taboo would handle true medium-heavy oil for the average revs, average ball speed "talented" bowler.
I am NOT criticizing you, no matter what it sounds like. I am trying to get  you to understand that using the right ball, WITH THE RIGHT DRILLING, makes all the difference in the world. Today's balls seem, to me to be just too sensitive to drillings.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2011, 01:30:55 PM »
The taboo in OOB finish is at 2000 grit, try dropping the grit down to 1000 and see how many more boards you can cover.  The taboo has a fairly low rg which is design to roll early and it has the strongest diff. you can purchase in a bowling ball legally before drilling.  Think of the diff. in a bowling ball as an engine inside of a car and think of the surface on a bowling ball as a tire on a car.  Now it's up to you to figure out how much of that power you want to put down on the lane.  The cover stock on a bowling dictates 65-70% of the bowling ball hook potential.


Surfaces on a bowling ball vary from 180, 360, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and polish can help you get a little bit more length to any one of those grit surfaces mention above.  Start experimenting and stop complaining about the equipment.  Good luck and good bowling!


2010 is the first time joining a league since 1999. Over a 10 year lay off and I haven't lost much of my game.

HG-300 x 1, HS-780 (Nov. 2010)

In the Bag:

Columbia World Beater, Columbia Outburst, Storm Invasion, Columbia Ransom, Columbia Pure Swing, Columbia Burst, Storm Natural, Spare ball-T-Zone



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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2011, 01:49:18 PM »


You're not seeing enough oil to use this ball..


If your Odyssey is really turning the corner, then the oil volume is not what you think it might be.


I have Scorchin'  Inferno at oob (800 grit) that rolls out on anything less than heavy oil

Yes. it's I, the Inverted One..


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2011, 03:34:41 PM »
What type of bowler are you?  Cranker, Tweener or Stroker, has a lot to do

with ball reaction...


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2011, 06:42:34 PM »
Had the same problem with the plague.Could not get it to move on any surface.Gave it to my son who uses it for a spare ball.I think the ball was a dud from the factory. 

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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2011, 07:00:02 AM »
,picked up the odyssey and shot 276
I dont like standing 15 playing up 10 much to tight for my liking 
So wait.  You picked up the Odyssey and shot 276 and yet you don't like playing that tight line?  
My coach and I were discussing something similar last night during practice.  You play the part of the lane with the right ball to yield the best results.  It seems you did just that..

I use whatever ball works for me.

Dan Belcher

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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2011, 07:19:40 AM »
Absolutely agree. The Taboo I threw at an Ebonite Demo Day was not a ball meant to cover a lot of boards. It was meant to read the lane well in a lot of oil. If I tried to throw it on a broken down shot or bounce it off dry boards, it burned up and labored back to the pocket. I'm guessing you simply aren't seeing much oil because, honestly, very few houses put down enough oil to use a truly strong oiler on their usual house shot unless you have zero hand. Even on nights in league when I hear a lot of people complaining that the lanes are "flooded," I still don't see that much oil, and can usually just roll a sanded Tropical Heat up the friction and cover more boards than most people trying to throw their oilers.


Also, a 4" pin to PAP layout is hardly weak. That's a very strong, roll-in-the-midlane kind of layout for me. On stronger balls, I tend to like stuff with the pin 5 to 6 inches away from my axis to keep some energy retained for the back part of the lane.

OddBalls wrote on 3/2/2011 2:49 PM:


You're not seeing enough oil to use this ball..


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2011, 07:50:57 AM »
Right you are, but far too few people actually do that.   Seems that nobody really wants to play what the lanes (or lane man) give them.  They want to play the shot they are comfortable with, and if that means taking 4-5 balls so that they don't have to move then so be it.   Honestly, I don't think you'll find many pro shops complaining about those customers!
Can't count how many times I've seen people buy a new ball and then throw the exact same line.  Virtual Gravity, Vibe, Tropical, White Dot - doesn't matter what ball they are using, they still line up in the same spot and throw in the same general direction (sorry, almost said "same exact spot" but really, these are league bowlers I'm talking about...5 board, 10 board, or 15 board at the arrows means they hit the "same spot" )
Easy10pins wrote on 3/3/2011 8:00 AM:
,picked up the odyssey and shot 276
I dont like standing 15 playing up 10 much to tight for my liking 
So wait.  You picked up the Odyssey and shot 276 and yet you don't like playing that tight line?  
My coach and I were discussing something similar last night during practice.  You play the part of the lane with the right ball to yield the best results.  It seems you did just that..

I use whatever ball works for me.


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2011, 09:01:42 AM »
I don't want to be "that guy" but it sounds like you are a straighter player who doesn't like to play straight... its really easier, and cheaper, to learn how to hook the ball a little more yourself than search for a ball to do it for you.


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2011, 12:17:36 PM »
I have to agree with some of the other posts.  I tried this on advice from my shop guy.  I threw my ball (doesn't matter which) for about half a game from where I like to stand.  Then he had me put on a pro wrist or wrister or whatever you want to call them. It was set for max hook.  I threw again.  10 boards to the left later with the same ball I was lined up.  I thought it was my ball, turned out it was the guy throwing it. I then proceeded to work my release.  I had gotten lazy in it.  Now things are better.  Balls are made to do differebt things, but if you don't know how to use it, they are all gonna seem the same pretty much.  Hope this helps.

200 league average 3 leagues

Cherry vibe
clear ebonite ball W/ebonite bowling pin inside


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2011, 04:07:11 PM »
all great respones,I guess the obvious thing is throw straight,thank you for your advice and take care.


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2011, 10:02:54 PM »
The Taboo is an interesting ball.  I feel that it's definitely a ball that takes getting used to; it's probably worthwhile for those that get it to throw it on a bunch of different conditions from wet -> dry to get used to the ball motion and how it reads oil and friction.  Contrary to what most people are saying here, I don't think it's a true oiler.  I have an Acid and a BW Bite and they seem to read the midlane on wet conditions more so than the Taboo.  And when it hits the dry, it doesn't immediately jump off of it - it sort of just "senses" that it's there first, and then when it comes off of it, it comes off of it HARD.  Huge backend when it actually does turn over - it reminds me of a Rogue Cell cover on the Widow core.
It saved me a couple of Fridays ago when I couldn't get any of my normal balls to work correctly.  I definitely had to play further out than I thought I would need to with this ball (due to the last point I made above), but it worked well.  I certainly don't feel that it's the greatest house shot ball; it doesn't recover that well for me when I miss right.  But it has been a decent sport shot ball, as I don't have to move very much throughout a set.
I guess you could try throwing some polish on it if you want it to be more "normal".  But if you have low revs like me, there's definitely better "oiler" options out there. 


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2011, 06:39:45 AM »
wow,thank you,someone human out there who doesnt have the hand of god and doesnt think I am a first ball slouch. What you said is exactly what I see in the ball. When the shot has a bumper you can swing it thru the moon in oil you would be lucky to get a wrinkle and it was recommended as a strong ball,in oil for me its not. I was offering my opinion on the ball and everyone once to jump feet first in my chest. From misquoting what i said to saying quit crying and bowl to pro shop guys love guys like you,anyway you guys have a good life and bowl good.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling