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Author Topic: ok I got conned into buying a taboo  (Read 5949 times)


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ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:02:58 AM »
As with so many other balls the hype on the taboo has been great. many claims of how strong it is how great an oil ball it is ,its so strong down lane and off the spot,and as usual I am not seeing it. I probably have it set up to weak,but my driller and the one who recomended that i buy it said it was sooooo strong that an overly aggressive drill would render it useless,ha. Its drilled pin up 4inch pin to pap stacked. Its not a bad ball but its not great in my hand. It has decent backend on a shot with a bumper,but for me in any oil its a ten pin monster,over under and a very inconsistent read. I have an odyssey that I picked up again after 2 years and the taboo oob is only 3 to 5 boards stronger than my odyssey polished. The taboo is just another in a long line of strong balls that is gonna get a redrill before i sell it at a big loss. I wish I could say I wouldnt get stuck again ,but I am sure if I dont stop bowling I will,I just cant figure out how to pick something that will give me what I am looking for. I am really just starting to accept that I need to learn how to play from the gutter and stop thinking I am going to find a ball strong enough to play the lanes like I want.

   Sunday night I shot the taboo I dont know what the pattern was ,but it was long and deep. I just couldnt get the taboo to read,shot 172,picked up the odyssey and shot 276. I know so why buy a new ball if the odyssey is so great. I dont like standing 15 playing up 10 much to tight for my liking so I would like something to be able to open up the lane with and as good as the odyssey is I still need something stronger in my bag,something that will give me more than 3 boards and the taboo aint it.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling



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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2011, 06:49:49 AM »
I trade you a ebonite mission 2.0 for taboo


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2011, 08:51:05 AM »
Sounds like me with the Invasion.  I bought 3 different Invasions and out of 3 different drillings have only found one that I call usable.  I am getting ready to sell it.  Oh well to live and learn.


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Re: ok I got conned into buying a taboo
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2011, 12:47:20 PM »
I'll start by saying that yes some people on here do kinda suck at giving advice.  That said, there are balls that just do not match up well with some people.  I had an invasion when they first came out and it was a great ball, hooked a ton but wasn't what I thought it would be.  Other s who I know that have it though it was a turd.  I guess that depending upon where you feel comfortable playing' how you throw (you state you are lower rev) what the lane surface is (wood synthetic or overlay) and where you are trying to play on the lanes' you may have problems with some balls.  The guys I know that had trouble with the invasion where low rev' high speed guys who throw the track area on a overlay.  It did not hook hardly at all for them.  Me on synthetics' playing middle of the lanes (left foot about 26)  swinging out to about 11 or 12' the invasion was good.  Bottom line is' if I don't work for you' then it don't work for you.  I got rid of the invasion and now throw a burst.  Good luck

200 league average 3 leagues

Cherry vibe
clear ebonite ball W/ebonite bowling pin inside