Not going to try and discredit what anybody is saying, but the original poster asked for a suggestion to have a motion like his doom, which was a midline pearl when made, and now compared to current balls has become much weaker. I have read a couple saying the Taboo blue/silver or even Nano Pearl, both of which are MUCH more dynamic in core and much much stronger covers.
I understand the last poster's reply that he clearly loves the Nano Pearl, and you have probably had one a few weeks, but for a ball that just hit the market yesterday, and hasnt been on anyone's hands for long, saying it quite possibly will be the best ever is very far fetched at this point, and you are using a personal bias to try and tell the original poster. It may very well be a great ball, but would not fit what he is looking for in a comparison to the Doom.
Better bets to get a closer reaction to what the Doom was would be balls like the track 503C, Eruption from Columbia, although will be smoother, and more likely the Grape Vibe, even though people say it would be cleaner, but 5+ years after the Doom's release, it would be much more comparable in ball motion than many would think.
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