Stop it, your making my head hurt.
You asked a question that, in all fairness, SOUNDED simple enough, but somewhere the train of simplicity seems to have jumped the tracks.
Your question was: I want the balls to flare so I'm thinking either a 2-3 pin? That sound reasonable?
The answer is: Yes, that sounds reasonable. But, you have to decide what you are looking to get from the balls for yourself.
You ask a lot of questions about pin above, pin below. Should I this or should I that? Nobody knows for sure exactly what you are looking for, but, given the nature of the balls you listed, if you drilled them exactly like your anger, I think the bite would be almost as early and nearly as strong as the anger ( if not stronger ) and the pearl would be longer, but stronger on the backends ( as long as they were clean ).
As far as the pin out goes, that is just a personal decision. A short pin makes it easier to drill a pin under without getting a lot of thumb weight because with the shorter pin length allows you to put the pin under and still leave the cg on the midline.
A longer pin length is easier to drill a pin above because it allows you to move the pin up without getting excess finger weight. If you use a short pin length to drill a pin above, the cg will be closer to the finger holes and may cause excessive finger weight, depending on the starting topweight of the ball.
It isn't the initial pin length that determines the flare potential, it is the pin to pap length that the drilling allows for. You can make a ball that has a 1 inch pin out, or a 5 inch pin out, flare a ton, if you put it in the right place.
Like a man told me the other day. Drilling is part art, part science, part luck, and part black magic.
Bon Apetite
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?
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