Not questioning whether the ball is great or not, cause it probably is, just questioning the use of a ball in a NATIONAL tournament that isn't even available to the public yet.
A great score shot by a good bowler, no doubt, but maybe he had an advantage that nobody in the general public will be able to have by using a ball thats not been released to the public.
It may have been in bad taste for AN EMPLOYEE to use something not available to everyone yet, even if it IS legal. Heck, its not even scheduled for release until JULY 13th, NINE DAYS AFTER THE TOURNAMENT IS OVER, is it? So NOBODY will have access to it except for employees of the company, right?
No, I know it isn't the first time its happened, just the first time I thought of it like this. As many great balls as Hammer has out there, shouldn't ya'll use something that is readily available?
What do the rest of you guys think? Fair and O.K., or not?
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