WEll......I'm sure it is better to know your pap. I don't, and I'm not having any problems with my No Mercy. What I did was simply, take it to my driller, (Paul Yoder - Holiday Bowl - Albuquerque, NM), show him where my track is and have him put the heart as close to that as was possible. I have something that is somewhere between the #6 and #8 suggested drilling patterns. I have a low track. Last night I managed a 669 which wasn't too bad for me with my 194 average. The only problem I've been having is with ten pins lately, but I feel that's more my fault then the bowling ball. I do know, that on light hits, this ball is wonderful. It scrambles the pins up beautifully. I just have trouble making that final, tiny adjustment to get consistent carry. But then, everyone else was having problems with carry last night as well. And such bowling balls as the Storm Trifecta, Hammer Doom, Track Delta, AMF Night Hawk, Grenade, Storm Domination, among others were having the same problems as I was with the No Mercy. Just one of those nights. So far I love the ball. And after about 30 games....not a mark or scratch to be seen anywhere.