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Author Topic: Restoring Widow to Box  (Read 2170 times)


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Restoring Widow to Box
« on: November 21, 2006, 04:06:59 AM »
I used my Black Widow pretty solidly for a couple weeks and it came time to clean it up.  I scuffed it with green scotch brite and attempted to return it to box using Abralon pads (500 all the way to 4000)  The ball rolled like a turd after I did this.  It rolled way too early.  I've tried different combinations of grit, polish, and even compound finish.  I still can't get the same extreme length and super backend I had when it was new.  Any suggestions?
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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 12:34:59 PM »
I did tha same thing with my widow, but only a grey scotch brite, then 1000 abralon, 2k, than 4k.  Mine turned out great.  Are you sanding 6 sides and cleaning it wet than dry after each side with each grit?  Do you see any scratches in the ball from the green pad?  I have found when thay are new they can really put some deep ones in the ball.

Now I use Clean n Dull with a towell
Robe Rule
Black Widow
Scout Urethane

Edited on 11/21/2006 1:29 PM


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 12:42:50 PM »
I did not use the six side method.  I have done other balls doing just 2 sides and have had good results.  I will give that a try.
Where is the bait?  I'm goin' to jail!!! - Chocolate GAYzer


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 12:47:02 PM »
Get the ball back to 4000 grit don't skip grits start with 400 and go up to 4000 grit. Finish the ball off with 3m Finesse 11 this should make the ball finish the way you want it to.


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 12:51:30 PM »
After you get back to original...never sand or clean again.

They ALL work best that way....for me!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2006, 12:51:39 PM »
Finess it 2 is a polish, which I have a quart of.  It was recommended by my pro shop, but the widow is dull oob, right?
Robo Rule
Black Widow
Scout Urethane


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2006, 12:57:25 PM »
THe BW is semi dull out of the box Finesse will make it real shinny you will be happy with the end result Try it and let me know.  

  Medic Hal


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2006, 01:07:23 PM »
If you have access to CAB blocks, try putting the Abralon pads in the cab blocks (...oh wait a sec, CAB will probably want to charge me something for doing that).  This, along with using the 6-side method, helps to keep the ball "in-round".  I would go back and start over using the 500 grit Abralon and work up.  If that still doesn't work, you may have to go with something like 1000 grit plus polish it achieve the look you want.  I have no idea why it occurs, but I have also experienced a drastic change in reaction when resurfacing certain balls and bringing them back to box specifications.  

Another thing to consider is that maybe you are back to the same surface on the BW, but the lane conditions have changed somehow?  I had fought with a ball a while back trying to get a similar reaction to "box" and come to find out, the shot I was throwing it on (expecting it to be fresh) was actually bowled on by a number of open players with plastic balls... a huge amount of carry down had set in.. explaining why I wasn't able to get any sort of reaction...


Joe Theismann's MNF idiot quote of the week:
"David Garrard's 50 percent completion percentage means that if he throws six deep balls, three will be caught."


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Re: Restoring Widow to Box
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2006, 02:03:40 PM »
Out of box my Widow went 2 feet past the normal breakpoint of the house shot and boomed on the backend.  Now it reacts like any other ball I got, lots of midlane and smooth backend.  Its not a bad reaction, just not the skid/snap I got when it was new.  Even at 4000 plus polish it rolls too early.
Where is the bait?  I'm goin' to jail!!! - Chocolate GAYzer