I like the Crow but it is strong,lower RG and the diff is higher on it than the Black hammer and the pearl. The Crow can be used on a little more oil than the BH. The couple of comparasions s from staffers I know of the BH to the Pearl is that the Pearl was a little stronger downlane, dont know the drillings as to how comparable they are...
Stronger down the lane is something I like to hear since the Purple Pearl shouldn't be as early as the Black. Just as long as it isn't a glorified spare ball like the Mix or Arctic Sniper it should be what I'm looking for.
I like that there are a lot of different strength options for urethane. I cannot get too deep with my urethane so having different options to stay straighter is great. Heavy oil can use the stronger ones and higher revs/lighter oil can use the pearls.
I think bowlers need to make sure they are getting the best option for them and their stats/conditions. If you are on a lot of shorter or drier shots, or have higher revs, then the stronger ones are not going to let you get too deep. That is when balls like the Purple Pearl and Pitch Blue are better suited.
I like having a lot of options too but it sure makes me think twice about making a decision.

Yeah, that's what I'm taking my time with. I don't really want something that will be too early for the area of the lane I intend to use it on. Not intending to ever play deeper with one either, although that could be fun if lanes dictate it's viable. There aren't many heavy or medium-heavy oil patterns where I need or would want a urethane, those conditions are usually pretty favorable for me with more typical equipment.
Just looking for something when the transition gets sketchy and maybe when it's drier. Without any experience with urethanes myself it's going to be a bit of a gamble.