I have to agree with chitown, I use the same layout on everything, except the No Mercy, but that's a different animal. I tend to think the reason there's so many balls with different covers/cores, that if you want a different reaction, get a different ball. Otherwise, why make more than 1 or 2 balls ?
I know, I know, more oil/less oil is one reason, but my point here is let the ball do what it was designed for...core/cover. If you don't like that reaction, then chances are with a different layout you still wouldn't like the ball. There are exceptions and those with more/less hand will see different reactions, but we are talking about you, one person.
I can see if a new ball will do what I want it to do by looking at the numbers/specs knowing how I plan to drill it. I will grant you, I changed my Toxic a bit, but not much and it is even better , for me, than I thought it would. I can compare the last 5-6 ball I've owned since they were drilled the same, different covers/cores and thus reactions.
This is just me, the way I feel for me and all my customers know how I feel. If they want the pin on the bottom, then that's where they get it, but I will always tell them the way I feel for my layout and a couple have decided to do the same. No complaints as yet, so I'd say, as long as you get/got the reaction from your Doom you like, drill the B/W the same but move the MB to the right 1 1/2- 2 inch right of thumb.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
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