my experience is mostly with the emarald vibe. my friend just got one pin over bridge CG out slightly. he can play up the dry on a used house shot no problem. when i see people use the psycho it is VERY angular. alot of people take some polish off. at junior gold this year on the short 35', there was a two handed kid bowling on my pair using the psycho and he really had to work to keep his ball speed up to use that ball.
if you want to go weaker i would go with the rayzor, doug kent drilled one for his son jake for junior gold and it looked really good. it was even stronger enough if jake wanted to play somewhere around second arrow on the medium 41' pattern. it was very smooth when it started to roll. which is always good for sport. my blue vibe is my best sport ball and its drilled the number 4 drilling:
Drilling #4 - Low RG Layout
Ball Motion: E arly hook with smooth arc
Lane Condition: Fresh backends and Wet/Dry
Flare Potential: Low
Pin Placement: Place pin at 1 - 2��� from the positive axis point (PAP)
Balance Hole: If needed, place balance hole at 4 - 5��� from the center of span on a line through the center of gravity.
something like that, its hard to show, i wish i had a camera lol. i would recommend that layout for every ball on a sport shot. its the smoothest i have ever seen and it doesnt over-react at all. great for reading the lane.
or another option is to either changed the drill/surface on the green vibe.
what school does he go to, im a freshman at sacred heart university in fairfield,CT
HG:300x2(SR300 both)289(sawblade)280(SR300)
bowling for 14years
18 years old
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
current arsenal:
rival, arch rival, dead flush,scout,
blue vibe
SR300, RXS300 maxim
on the way maybe.....the sauce, momentum swing,resurgence, or demension.
p.s. go leftys
Edited on 10/2/2008 4:56 PM