Bill and the rest of the Buddies Crew:
Please don't stop what you are doing. I may just be a mindless piece of livestock following the herd in our quest to find the best hitting and carrying ball that is out there, but I happen to find your videos quite helpful.
And to the dolt (themezz) that is too lazy to go on your site and find the guys' video that matches your style, well there's just no pleasing some people. You guys just drilled up balls for my wife and I. When I spoke to Chris, I told him whose style I matched up most with from the individual videos of the testing staff at Buddies. You guys punched it up accordingly, and my Twisted gave me a phenomenal look because of it.
themezz, you are as pertinent to bowling as it would be for Bob Dole to try to impersonate Osku Palermaa's style.
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM