I have used a Real Deal. However due to hand problems, I am currently dropping in weight down to 15 lbs. I don't know a lot of the technical jargon, but I will say that I really liked that ball. It was pretty versatile for me, as I was able to use it on many different conditions. I have played it polished and sanded and it seemed to take to the cover adjustments pretty well. It also seemed to hit pretty hard. In fact, I think it might hit harder than my Black Widow.
I do agree with you on the life cycle of bowling balls. Seems like it is way too short. Then again, that may be good for those that don't mind using "old" stuff. I used my Faball Black Hammer for MANY years (not months). Going back to the good of using old. My pro just dropped the price of the Real Deals (what he has left) about $60-$70 dollars. Since I am going to 15lb gear, I am debating on picking one up, or try newer stuff? I did like that ball, so I'm leaning on the less expensive route. I don't bowl enough to justify many of those $200 balls!
(I've got a 16 #er that I'd be willing to sell?? Its in good condition....I don't beat up my gear and I haven't had it that long before I started having issues with my hand)