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Author Topic: Road Hawg going too long??  (Read 2848 times)


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Road Hawg going too long??
« on: March 15, 2006, 06:47:18 AM »
first of all, see my profile for the drilling of my road I went out and opened bowled at a different house this morning on fresh oil, and i was having a very hard time getting the ball to turn in/snap/flip/hook what ever you want to call it....moved xtreme right and still nada.......what do guys suggest?... have it sanded and repolished?.... just dull it up?.....or plug it up and re-drill it leverage?......the ball just seems to want to go really long too me.

I went to my normal house after struggling this morning, and shot like avg.

thanks for your help



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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 02:56:54 PM »
It could be as simple as hand position. However, with that pin being so high, you're adding length. It's a High Rg drilling on a lower Rg ball. Since it seems you don't use much hand in the ball, it could be the drilling. Start with a release position that gets the ball rolling sooner and mind the speed, if not, then explore drillings that are for lower Rg that will give you soem benefits of control.
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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 03:01:02 PM »
Take the polish off the ball. It seems from the pic that you have polished it up. Take the ball down to 1000 sandpaper and it should do the trick.
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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2006, 03:51:22 PM »
The fresh conditio you were on probably had a good amount of oil.  Plus you have a length layout.  I would dull the ball first before you do anything drastic like changing the layout.

If you really want the ball to hook in oil dull it down in steps to like 600 grit.  If that still doesn't do it then your on a very heavy pattern.  At that point you need to make a decision as to what you want this ball for.  If you want it for heavy oil then plugging and redrilling it stronger is an option.  Another option is too dull it to like 320 and see how it works.  Trust me if you dull this ball down to like 320 it will hook on heavy oil no matter what your layout.


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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 08:13:04 PM »
Thanks for the help guys...i tried the had position adjustments this morning with no help, another question i have is when the ball was oob status it wasn't hooking for me i went back to the shop and they did a light sanding and a polish........what is the grit/sanding oob??

another note is this is my first ball drilled like this....i am thinking they should have drilled it with the pin out with leverage.....i will go back to the shop and have it dulled up see if this helps first.


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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2006, 10:35:58 PM »
Thanks for the help guys...i tried the had position adjustments this morning with no help, another question i have is when the ball was oob status it wasn't hooking for me i went back to the shop and they did a light sanding and a polish........what is the grit/sanding oob??

another note is this is my first ball drilled like this....i am thinking they should have drilled it with the pin out with leverage.....i will go back to the shop and have it dulled up see if this helps first.

This layout is usually goodfor higher rev bowlers.  I have seen some strokers get good reactions from this layout as well.  This is a length layout which will produce a big back end.  Now you may be on a condition that has a lot of carrydown.  If that is the case it's not the best layout for carry down for strokers.

The easiest thing you can do to get this ball to hook a lot no matter what the layout, is to dull it.  I would take it down to 600 grit with a green scotchbrite pad.  See what reaction you get.  If the ball doesn;t hook enough for you then take the cover down to 320 grit.  At 320 this ball should hook a lot.  In fact all balls should give you a decent hook at 320 grit.  

If for whatever reason the 320 grit surface doesn't work then have it redrilled stronger.  I personally don't feel you need to do that because the dull 320 will make this ball hook even if you don't have any hand.


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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 12:16:35 AM »
i will go to the pro shop asap.......i just hope he doesn't give me a hard time about it.

I did bowl a real nice 788 the other day (on a dry condition) ball hooked really nice.


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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2006, 04:57:51 AM »
Not to sound cold about it, but you did have it drilled for length, not a 'big hooker'. You can adjust the cover and it will help some, but it's doing what you have it drilled for.

Try the cover adjustment first, if you still don't like it, it's plug and redrill time. JMO
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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2006, 05:54:51 AM »
i didn't have drilled for least thats what i thought...i have no problem getting the ball down the problem is not getting enough revs..... the driller used my old ball as refrence (a timberwolve drilled leverage)......drilling like this (PIN ABOVE FINGERS) would get me more backend,and i guess it will if u r a cranker, but i am not that by all means.


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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2006, 06:08:30 AM »
First of all, what is your PAP?  This drilling means absolutely diddly squat without knowing what your axis point is.  

Assuming your PAP is compatable with this drilling, then I would definately look at your cover preparation.  A very famous ball designer once told me that coverstock prep is approximately 80% of ball reaction, the core/layout is 15% and other factors (lane topography, oil pattern, etc) are 5%.  With this being said I would first start with adjusting your cover by taking some of the polish off the ball.  Someone mentioned 320 grit and that this does not work.  In my experience using a grit that is this low is that the ball hooks, but it hooks at 30 feet and has nothing left down the lane, thus giving you the perception that the ball does not hook at all.  I suggest going with 1000 - 2000 grit Abralon and this should give you what you are looking for in general.  This will not fine tune your ball reaction as you still might have a drilling that is not exactly what you want.

Try some of these suggestions the let us know what you come up with.

Chris Heringer
Hammer Amateur Staff
Chris Heringer
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Re: Road Hawg going too long??
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2006, 05:20:41 PM »
i will go to the pro shop asap.......i just hope he doesn't give me a hard time about it.

I did bowl a real nice 788 the other day (on a dry condition) ball hooked really nice.

u bowled a Road Hawg....on dry conditions?
that signals re-drill all the way to me
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dude it wasn't ABSOLUTLY dry....i guess i meant med. oil.