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Author Topic: Anybody with Hawg Zilla and Strike Zone?!?!?  (Read 978 times)


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Anybody with Hawg Zilla and Strike Zone?!?!?
« on: October 15, 2006, 04:51:50 PM »
I'm interested to hear from anyone who has had experiences with the two balls...

I have a Strike Zone (actually two) and I'm very familliar with their reactions: the Activator cover allows them to clear the fronts with ease, then make a very smooth arc to the pocket that never seems to stop. Even though their 800-grit OOB, they are for medium to oily lanes due to the advanced cover (at 800-grit they seem to get good length).

I am thinking of purchasing a Hawg Zilla, and I have read revies and specs, and this ball seems to do the same as the Strike Zone: clears the heads with a 4000-grit Abralon finish, and continues with an arcing motion that doesn't quit. Reviews even say don't miss left (a phrase I repeatedly say to myself with my Strike Zones).

Please advise... this is actually for my dad who I'm trying to talk out of the Hawg Zilla because he already has a Strike Zone.



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Re: Anybody with Hawg Zilla and Strike Zone?!?!?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 01:10:03 AM »
I have both but never matched up too well with the SZ OOB, perhaps I just never encountered enough oil. I took my SZ to 1000 ABRALON and got a much better reaction on medium heavy to heavy oil. It produced a nice midlane read and then a strong arc. It's drilled with the pin 4 inches from my pap (above and just right of ring finger) and mb just right of the thumb. The Hawg Zilla is very, very smooth down the lane with a nice controllable arc and powerful last second snap into the pocket. I have mine drilled with Pin below the bridge )about 5 1/4" from my pap)and have kept the cover at 4000 Abralon.

I don't think the two will ovelap particularly OOB. The SZ will handle the soup and the HZ will give you more control on the medium to medium heavy conditions. Keep in mind that my HZ is not drilled aggressively. If it were stacked it might give the SZ a run for its money but with its smooth Abralon finish it's most likely no match for the wet sanded 800 grit OOB SZ.

Edited on 10/16/2006 1:02 AM


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Re: Anybody with Hawg Zilla and Strike Zone?!?!?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 02:57:38 PM »
Thanks so much for your input.

As for your explanation, I got the same description of the HZ from my local pro shop, and therefore it looks like I'll be giving it a try (my dad at least). I'll be watching him closely.