ok heres my background...i am a rookie bowler and just started this past summer league. this was my first league, and before this league, i would be lucky if i bowled more than twice a year. so as you can tell, i am a rookie in the purest form when it comes to the sport of bowling. even now, i am still a rookie, and am not familiar with the bowling vocabulary, so try to stay with me. i bought a simple ball, a columbia scout because my local pro shop said that was a beginners ball. i spent the first couple of months rolling the ball straight down the middle using no hook at all. i gradually started to learn how to hook, and i believe ive gotten pretty good at it. in my summer league, i ended with a measely average in the 130's (be nice, it was my first league and im still a rookie). fast forward into my winter league, i still use the same ball. i set up a couple boards left of the middle dot and use the inside of the second arrow on the right as my mark. ive gotten a little better, and i now average in the 160's, and i bowled my first 200 game last week. now for the help....
im looking into buying either a no mercy or the toxic. now, what im wondering is if i buy either ball, will this be too much ball for me? my cousins, who are very good bowlers by the way, tell me that all i would have to do is adjust my start-up position by moving more left. is that all i need to do in order to have the ball work with me? i do not throw the ball super fast by any means, probably around the 14-15 mph range. knowing that, would either the NM or the toxic be of greater advantage to me? and also, i am not familiar with drilling set-ups either, so when i do purchase a new ball, what information about my game should i share with my pro shop before drilling? sorrry for such a long essay...but help is needed because since getting my first 200, i want a superior ball to help me consistently get 200's. thanks guys, looking forward to any help at all.