I have had this ball for roughly a week now. All I can say is that I am extremely impressed! This new highline goes above and beyond the Hawg line and the No Mercy Line...
The Layout:
4.5 Pin to Pap, with the Cg slightly kicked approximately 1.5 inches. There was a high top weight with the Sauce I got, so a weight hole was needed to balance the static weights. The x-hole is 4.5 inches from the center of grip, and 1.5 inches up with 1/2 away pitch and 1/2 right pitch 3/4 in size and 2 inches in depth. The pin is above the ring finger on this layout.
The out of Box Motion:
I first tried this ball last Wednesday night in league on a THSon well taken care of HPL's. We bowl second shift at 9 pm in the Scratch league. There is always a heavy volume of oil even at 9pm. On this week I had to play fairly deep because they were drier than usual. The Motion was very nice. Comparable to the Anger but on steroids and harder hitting power if thats even phathomable. IT reads the midlane and has a continous strong roll throught the backend with incredible hit. I believe I shot 910 for the 4 games, a bit below average, but the lanes were funky.
Then last weekend, I bowled the regional in Las Vegas, NV at the Silver Nugget on the Chameleon lane pattern. These were also HPL lane surface, but a little on the burnt side. The track area became playable quickly and the gutter had decent bounce. During qualifying I threw the Sauce for the first 6 games. I had a great read and it continued to impess with its great midlane roll and continous roll on the backend with strong hitting power. I was + 147 after the first six and then made a simple change to my Anger and was able to stay in the same part of the lane once the Sauce became too much for the pattern and finished out with back to back 240's. On sunday, the lanes played differently and a lot drier and I was not able to throw the Sauce.
Polished with Factory Finish:
Last night in league I decided to hit the Sauce with some Factory Finish Polish from Powerhouse, to see how it would react at league again. The Polish definitely enhanced my carry and pinaction on the HPL lane surface. Games 1-3 I shot 278, 267, 257 for an 802 series. Then in the 4th game I topped off the night with Saucin out a 270 for 1072. My opponent shot 993 for the night and didnt get one point off of me. The Sauce went a little longer down lane, but was still controllable at the breakpoint even with the polished coverstock. I was playing about 22 to 10 and had a little tug room as well. I didn't have to move much because I was the only one playing that part of the lane. The Sauce also looks waaaaay good with that coat of polish.
The Sauce Strikes ... AGAIN and AGAIN!
Last night in league we had the opportunity to bowl on some fresh oil, because the pair had broken down for the 6pm league. I had hit it with a fresh coat of factory finish polish before we started, Thinking we would get moved from the pair before we started due to it being down for almost 3 hours. The mechanic at our center is awesome, and got it fixed up for us right before practice started. I was able to stand further right than normal to start. It was a great feeling. I was standing about 23 and playing about 18-8. I was moving fast throughout the night because the lanes changed a lot due to the fresh oil, that we do not normally see. The first game I threw a clean 237 and lost my point to a 247. Then the next game, was where the fireworks started and the Sauce splattered the Pins. My opponent had spare 8 bagger, so he could strike out for 290. I had the front 9 and decided to go up first and go lights out and lock him out. 3 shots, ten back each time for a 300 with the SAUCE. My opponent struck out for 290. I finished the night going 224 and 249 for a 1010 series. Not a bad few weeks with the Sauce! I was able to continuously keep moving left and still have maximum hitting power with getting around the ball a little more as i moved in. This ball is a true winner and keeper for the Hammer Brand! The Sauce has been released to the general public now, so everyone go out and get SAUCED!
Overall Thoughts:
This ball is a keeper in the Hammer Line. It is one of the best high end bowling balls I have ever thrown down a lane. It doesn't burn up and as transition hits you can continue to move with it for a while without having to change balls. I look forward to continue throwing it and learning more about it. I am looking forward to be drilling another one soon, possibly with a more aggressive layout, or a much weaker layout... who knows... maybe both
A Great addition to what The Widow Line brings and what the Raw Hammer Line Brings. Overall this added exactly what Hammer needed. Every Hammerhead needs to get SAUCED!!!
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."
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Edited on 10/16/2008 12:01 PM