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Author Topic: Sauce Problem  (Read 1601 times)


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Sauce Problem
« on: February 28, 2009, 07:36:14 AM »
I seem to be having a problem with my Sauce and was wondering what you all thought. Right now it has prolly 110ish games on it. I bought it brand new and at about 80 or 90 games I had it put in the oven at my pro shop. Right now the ball seems to not come off the oil like it used to. I throw a decent shot and it seems to just slide the whole way down the lane and eventually spin up, usually leaving me with a nice 2-10 split or so. After every night of bowling when I get home I faithfully clean my ball with the Brunswick Ball cleaner & microfiber towel, and after every shot I clean it with a microfiber towel during league. Anybody have any suggestions to what I can do to get my sauce to hook strong again? I used to be able to play deep with it and get a nice come back. now it seems I always have to play down and in for it to hook up, if it even does that. I been shooting great with it, but now it just seems to do nothing for me.




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Re: Sauce Problem
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 03:48:46 PM »

- These balls absorb oil SUPER rapidly. Waiting til you get home to use a cleaner on it is too late. Heck, waiting til you change your shoes after bowling may very well be too late. Cleaning it should be the first order of business. In fact, I 'd strongly suggest you wipe it off every time you pick it up.

- before putting it in the pro shop oven (Revivor?, Rejuventor?) next time have them sand it down to about 320 grit. Make sure there's no oil coming off the ball before taking it out of the oven. Then asking them to restore it to the original 4000 grit Abralon finish or wherever you've had the ball.

- 4000 Abralon is fairly fine finish. Rougher or older lanes can chew up or gradually change the surface. Even newer synthetics can change 4000 grit to rougher. Refresh the surface regularly. That can be every 20 games or every 40 games. Depends on the ball, how you throw it, conditions of the lanes, etc.

- Make sure the amount of oil in the house you are bowling has not changed since you started using this ball. Perception is everything. Maybe the weather has changed drastically maybe they stopped stripping the backends as they should. I can't tell but it is a distinct possibility.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Sauce Problem
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 05:12:12 PM »
well the weather has definitely changed. I live in upstate NY where it went from being like low teens, to negative temps to now in the upper 40s lower 50s. That could be the cause of my issues since I did buy the ball when it first came out and the weather was pretty cold.

As for cleaning, I didn't know waiting till I got home was too late. I figured just cleaning the ball when I got home was good enough. I'll make sure to keep cleaner in my bag now and clean it when I'm done bowling. See how that works out

as for the different oil, I don't think it would be that since I have the same issue at 2 different houses. Unless they both started using more oil

Edited on 2/28/2009 7:21 PM


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Re: Sauce Problem
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2009, 11:54:36 PM »

- These balls absorb oil SUPER rapidly. Waiting til you get home to use a cleaner on it is too late. Heck, waiting til you change your shoes after bowling may very well be too late. Cleaning it should be the first order of business. In fact, I 'd strongly suggest you wipe it off every time you pick it up.

- before putting it in the pro shop oven (Revivor?, Rejuventor?) next time have them sand it down to about 320 grit. Make sure there's no oil coming off the ball before taking it out of the oven. Then asking them to restore it to the original 4000 grit Abralon finish or wherever you've had the ball.

- 4000 Abralon is fairly fine finish. Rougher or older lanes can chew up or gradually change the surface. Even newer synthetics can change 4000 grit to rougher. Refresh the surface regularly. That can be every 20 games or every 40 games. Depends on the ball, how you throw it, conditions of the lanes, etc.

- Make sure the amount of oil in the house you are bowling has not changed since you started using this ball. Perception is everything. Maybe the weather has changed drastically maybe they stopped stripping the backends as they should. I can't tell but it is a distinct possibility.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


Charles, very well said! I agree fully with everything that you said! God Bless!

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