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Author Topic: Scandal and Scandal Pearl  (Read 1634 times)


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Scandal and Scandal Pearl
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:36:13 AM »
Picking up a Scandal Pearl to go along with my Scandal today. I will be drilling them both the same. I am hoping for a great 1 -2 punch for a long time with these 2 balls. Also have a Xtreme Heat with polish as a great med. oil ball. Looking for some opinions on bowlers who have thrown these balls and if anybody uses them as a 1-2 punch. I am hoping to start with the Scandal and use it as long as possible until the dreaded weak 10's start popping up. I am hoping to be able to ball down to the Scandal pearl and continue to play lanes where I was with Scandal. The Xtreme Heat with polish should be a ball down from the Scandal Pearl which should give me a nice 3 ball arsenal. Add the old reliable IQ Tour and the Ride and I am hoping to be set for quite some time. Thanks for your opinions and have a great day.



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Re: Scandal and Scandal Pearl
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 10:24:52 AM »
They are a great 1-2 punch... I have mine drilled the same and the Scandal Pearl is about 4 boards weaker overall, but is cleaner down the lane with a touch more backend... My only recommendation would be taking your Heat X-Treme to 3000 w/ FF polish to give it a little more length if possible.... You might find that the Heat & Scandal Pearl will cover about the same amount of boards, but a little difference in the backends.

Hope this helps..
Michael Thompson
Hammer Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Scandal and Scandal Pearl
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 10:44:40 AM »
Thanks!   I do have my Heat Xtreme drilled pin down and the 2 Scandals drilled pin up.  Hopefully that gives the 3 balls a different look down lane. My Xtreme really revs up early and is so smooth down lane. Actually could be a great 1-2-3 punch now that I think about it. Always been a Storm guy but I am liking what I am seeing out of Track/ Hammer. Appreciate your input.