I never said Ron was not the source for veneer's, i said they are not using exact formula's on others products. Yes i am sure that Ron has X amount of unused resin bases that are similar to other cover's whether it is oil absorbing or not.
So tweaking yes that would be a great call, exact cover's on each ball that is doubtful. Morich does the same thing he tweaks different Brunswick cover's to his liking, again i had a direct conversation with him about this at the Eliminator 2 years ago.
So maybe it is marketing and all lie's possible sure, Zoobowling is not bothering me at all.
Nextbowler is local moron that we actually know each other and hate each other's guts to be honest, i would do something but the jerk is 65 years old and gets off screwing with me on here.
Edited on 8/10/2007 11:05 AM