I understand about ballreviews.com being a limited market and we being sort of a different base of clientele, but as I mentioned, when I see an Ebay or three going for unexpectedly high prices, I think there's a 2nd set of people who are also interested.
I rarely if ever say any manufacturer should ever do a re-run of balls, no matter what I think of them. But in this case, I would even buy one. Heck, if they want a different color and a different coverstock, that's fine by me. They've put out such strong pearl coverstocks, I think both BJI and BTM agreed that the Grape and the Cobalt could easily cover true medium oil.
No one can disagree that once the Cherry Vibe was discontinued, the Emerald, then Midnight, then the Grape and now the Cobalt were all longer and stronger in the backend than the previous one. For many people the Grape and the Cobalt were almost uncontrollable. Not everyone, of course. It's too bizarre; not everyone has 20 mph ball speed and 5 revs that needs such monsters. They really need a good solid coverstock in the Vibe arsenal!!