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Author Topic: Solid Vibes: Onyx and Blue  (Read 15645 times)


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Solid Vibes: Onyx and Blue
« on: March 24, 2013, 07:04:50 PM »
Over the past couple of years there have been many Hammer fans wondering how to replace their Blue or their Onyx Vibes. I am one who thinks Hammer is making a major marketing mistake by continuing to develop and market stronger and stronger PEARLIZED vibes, instead of bringing out either a direct Onyx or Blue replacement, a solid resin coverstock, or an upgraded one. Of course, even in today's environment an Onyx Vibe would still handle true medium oil.

C'mon, Hammer, instead of playing marketing games, do some minimal research (Heck, I've already done it for you!!) and bring out a decent medium oil, solid coverstock with the great Vibe core.

You have nothing to lose and possibly millions (of dollars, yens, euros?) to gain.

People are already and still willing to pay $250 for a new Blue Vibe on Ebay. Sell them yourselves and make thousands of Hammer fans happy. (With a small profit margin for yourself!)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:10:45 PM by charlest »
"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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Re: Solid Vibes: Onyx and Blue
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2013, 10:21:47 PM »
tracks new 300 c is a solid could be intereresting.any hammer questions ask the hammerman    plowboy 300


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Re: Solid Vibes: Onyx and Blue
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2013, 06:27:57 AM »
I know this isnt the fs/classifieds section but i thought id let you all in on a little secret... Who here has ever heard of the elusive limited released peach vibe????

Well i was fortunate enough to pick one up a few years back at the hammer booth in reno, and although some spec sheets say it has a pearlized ct max reactive cover, im under the impression that it is indeed a solid cover, as ive owned all the vibes, and it fits exactly between my og blue, and onyx vibe in terms of length and overall reaction, with the same smoothness off the dry as those two with their solid covers....  I very well could be wrong, nonetheless thats the reaction it gives which is much more important than just saying its a solid or a pearl lol.

Anyways, due to a long two year hiatus from the sport and now returning this fall, im planning on going back up to 15lbs euipment, and this beautiful singledrilled peach vibe with less than 12 games is a 14lber and as hard as it is for me to part with this beautiful rare, collectors item....if the price is right, i may indeed be willing to sell it, but only to someone who will understand and truel appreciate its value.  So check out the classifieds section here for my 14lb SD PEACH VIBE FS

Thanks guys