Heya Fellow Hammerheads... After throwing the new Amp Up a few weeks now, here is a small review on this new gem coming out on Dec. 10th. PLMK if you have any questions on this ball or any other Hammer products & I would be glad to help you out!
PAP/Track: 5 1/8†x 1†up
Axis Rotation: 25 degrees
Axis Tilt: 12 degrees
Rev Rate: 440
Ball Speed: 18-20mph
Lane Patterns Used: 39' House Shot, 2007 US Open Pattern, Kegel Broadway Pattern, Kegel Kode Challenge Series (45’)
Ball Layout: 90 x 4 3/4 x 30
Likes: I wanted to drill up something different with this layout, which compliments my Amp very well. The Amp Up shares the same core (PowerShot Asymmetric) with a pearlized cover (Overdrive Pearl). The core/cover compliments each other very well. The definitely gets through the front with ease, and still has the very STRONG mid-lane motion ball that continues through the pin decks.
Dislikes: Might be a little too much ball for the lighter patterns, which it is not designed to be in the. There are plenty of options within the Hammer line for the lighter patterns.
This ball should be the 2nd ball out of the bag for most style of bowlers when the pattern breaks down a little bit in league / tournament play. This ball does NOT quit in the backends… it is very continuous motion that most styles of bowlers will enjoy to have in their bag. With the Clean/Sheen finish, this pearl ball does not over-react on the wet conditions, but still has some length that fits perfectly in the Hammer product line.
The Amp Up will be available through your local pro shop on December 10th, so make sure you add this new gem to your Bowling Arsenal.