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Author Topic: strong ball for WET lanes  (Read 1496 times)


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strong ball for WET lanes
« on: July 30, 2007, 12:05:34 AM »
i have a black widow and widow pearl with the all purpose drillings and a no mercy with the #4 drilling ( heart away from track) at the weekend bowled on a flat condition and first 4games i got little to no movement with theses balls

what ball would be better to get to go with my current balls was thinking of either anonther no mercy with #1 layout or a beat'n or maybe something different maybe a anger or hawgzilla  any ideas?


Big Kahuna

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Re: strong ball for WET lanes
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 02:45:58 PM »
if you have that much oil, i wouldn't recommend a ball that would go longer.  my nm has the 1-2 inch pin for early roll at 1000 grit.  when this ball is not hooking, i play it way outside to get my roll to pocket.  

Never BLAME the ball

Jesse James

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Re: strong ball for WET lanes
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2007, 07:32:12 PM »
I could have sworn that Chitown commented on this very same post, earlier in the day. And I think he said, the smart thing to do, was to take the surface down on one of your existing balls, like to maybe 500 grit, and then repolish with 1000 grit polish!

Altering surface is always a lot cheaper than buying another ball.
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Re: strong ball for WET lanes
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2007, 12:04:04 AM »
I could have sworn that Chitown commented on this very same post, earlier in the day. And I think he said, the smart thing to do, was to take the surface down on one of your existing balls, like to maybe 500 grit, and then repolish with 1000 grit polish!

Altering surface is always a lot cheaper than buying another ball.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.

I did comment on this post but accidently deleted it.

I agree that before you buy another ball change the cover on your NM.  The NM's cover is very strong and when dulled down can handle a ton of oil.

Keep in mind that on true heavy/long oil patterns your not going to get a ton of movement out of the ball.  In fact, you don't want a lot of movement on the really long patterns because you need to play close to the pocket.  The idea is to get the ball to set up (into it's roll) as it enters the pocket.  When the pattern is long you don't have a lot of distance in the back end for the ball to do this.

The normal approach is too have a strong, dull bowling ball drilled to roll early.  That's the norm for heavy/long oil patterns.  

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